My only thoughts are that instead of getting an intestinal transplant, I would be more interested in getting an Immune System transplant. It is the immune system that is causing the crohns. This is exactly what stem cell transplants are - an immune system transplant. In the past they have done the autogulous transplants - reimplanting your own immune system - in essence, "rebooting" your immune system. In 2011, they just started doing "Allogeneic" bone marrow transplants. This is where they are implanting someone else's immune system into your body! I think its very exciting and something we should be watching. Over 15 years ago, they did these donor allogeneic bone marrow transplants on 5 patients with leukemia who incidently had crohns, and 15 years later, not one of them ever had their crohns come back. I know the whole issue with stem cells can be confusing at times, but simply put, there are just 3 methods of stem cell therapies out there. One where they just inject stem cells into you to fight inflammation (but it does not change your immune system in any way), secondly, the autogulous transplant where they destroy and rebuild your own immune system, and 3rdly, the recent Allogeneic transplant, where they actually destroy your immune system, and give you someone else's.