Brain Lesions and IBD?

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Interesting - now we may all need our brains scoped & scanned too? ;) I've never had my brain looked at so I couldn't say. They did find benign liver lesions when I had a CT scan, but my doctor never mentioned anything about looking at my brain. Sounds to me, from reading that link, that it's just an interesting coincidence at this point and more study needs to be done to prove that there's a link.
That's not that only study. When I googled "Brain lesions and IBD", there are all kinds of things, although I haven't read all of them yet.

The other symptoms I have along with the brain lesions and colon issues are LARGE Dusty. It takes up 2 notebook pages, back to front. I have a ton of neurological problems and am on all kinds of medications. I have not opted for MS treatment yet. I'm seeing an MS specialist on November 15th. I've seen him before when he admitted me over night in a hospital because I choked on soup at work and almost died because I couldn't swallow it. He narrowed it down to "early MS or Fibro". Since then, no trigger points that have been tested hurt, and Fibro doesn't explain lesions, although my grandma has Fibro and Hypothyroidism(gout)...

My first cousin has Ulcerative Colitis...

There are a lot more tests they need to run though. An OBGYN suspected a pituitary tumor because of various things, and an ovarian surgery last year....but those tests never got done because I lost my job.

So anyways, I was taking a hot bath today, and I started thinking "I wonder if there is a link between brain lesions and an IBD" So I googled it and there we are!
jamilea - I don't know all about you and certainly do not presume to offer this as a diagnosis or anything. But everytime I hear 'MS' I have to tell this: a friend was diagnosed with ms, she'd been ill for years and seen tons of doctors, good doctors, she had just about the best medical care that money could buy. As she was on the verge of becoming wheelchair bound someone tested her for Lyme disease again (they had done it once early on and got a negative result); this time it was positive. Took her almost a year and several courses of antibiotics before she began to feel any better and alot of the damage cannot be reversed, the disease had been allowed to run rampant within her for too long, but at least she stopped deteriorating any further. On the off-chance, long-odds that it might be Lyme, that was missed in you, I just had to mention it.
Lyme is terrible and terribly undiagnosed and there is no good reason for that. Some say the government is trying to keep it covered up but I don't have an opinion on that. But I am from VA and i know tons of people who have or had it including one of my children. The doctor didn't even want to test my daughter for it so I went to another doc and the test was positive. She'd had it for years and had been suffering severe headaches, joint pain, etc. until we finally figured out on our own what might be wrong. Same with my adult friends who have had it. They also had lots of neurological symptoms with the disease and some also have irreversible damage by the time they were able to get a diagnosis. Especially if you are from the east coast get checked. Personally I think they should test everyone from high risk areas for it- it is crazy that they do not because it does cause permanent damage when left untreated.

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