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Mar 9, 2011

Do Crohnies have issues with easy bruising as an EI symptom at all ?

What are some things that could cause this ?

Gab, within this past week, has about 10 random, scattered, bruises on her and she has no idea where they have come from. She pointed them out to me, even though I had noticed 2 of them the other day, now she has showed me all the others that have appeared.
She is currently on no medications at all except the anti biotic she is taking to get rid of the skin staph infection.
Other than that she took 2 loading doses of Cimzia before the infection.

Could low iron cause this? I ask because she stopped taking her Iron supplements about 2 months a go.
Or are there other reasons ?
I just don't know much about it.

Thanks in advance for any info/opinions/advice ! :D
no not yet. She just showed me all of them this evening so I was curious as to what may be causing them, and if anyone possibly had any insight :)
When were her last Cimzia injections? It takes about 70 days for it to leave your system. So it it hasn't been at least 7o days, it could very well be the Cimzia. When I was still on it, I would bruise VERY easily. If I remember correctly, it's listed as one of the side effects.

And now that I'm on 6MP, I still bruise (and bleed) easily.
Hey T,

In view of the extensive surgery Gabs had done I'm surprised they don't have her on Iron or B12 supplements. Certainly a deficiency in these areas can cause bruising without reason. When were her last bloods for these levels?

As she moves further away from her op date I wouldn't be surprised if these levels are dropping off.

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Yes, I believe that Crohn's or maybe the medicine causes it.

The past few weeks I've had some major bruises! They all are like really hard, like it feels like there's a dang rock in my leg wherever the bruise is, and they are all really dark. Just from the slightest things... I'm on Remicade and before Crohns and surgery never had bruises like this.
ThanksP, I considered the Cimzia, but I really don't want it to be the cause! If it is, that's just one more reason why she can't take it again and pretty much all her hopes are riding on that medication right now :/

Dusty, her bloods were done about a week or so a go? They were great...although, that doesn't mean her iron hasn't dropped. It would make sense to me because she has also been cold again and wearing sweat shirts around the house, and a bit more tired than usual. I told her to start taking the iron tablets again. She is worried she will take them too close to the anti-biotics tho which clearly state not to do within 2 hours. I'll help her remember and see if that helps. If not, or if they get worse or continue, I will ring her GI nurse on Monday morning.

Kate...HI :) How long have you been on the Remicade now ? My daughter is only about a year older than you. Thanks for your advice hun. :hug:
I just started Cimzia and am suddenly covered in bruises.

My iron is fine and I get B12 shots regularly.

I was wondering about all these bruises popping up, but I've been ill so many years and on so many meds that I really don't think much of bruises when a new crop suddenly pops up.
that's really interesting silver ! You and Gab started just about a week apart too...hmmm. Maybe it is the Cimzia ??
Her bloods were ok too.
Do your bruises pop up a few at a time and then go away only to get more ? Or was it a one time deal? Or??
I'm curious if there's a pattern here...
Gab's are seeming to fade right now, but I am very curious to wait and see if they come back.
She's getting very tired again recently. Do you find that you are more tired after starting the Cimzia ?
I am worried that because she had to stop the injections for a bit that things are starting to go backwards already. Not too worried, but I see small things changing for sure :/
I find that i get random bruises mostly on my legs and arms but really don't know how i got them. Im on Iron tablets at the moment as im anaemic but everytime i go back to my GI he says my bloods still show my iron is low. Maybe the 2 are related. Never really thought about it , so think i will ask next time i see him :)
Tracy -

It was all of a sudden I noticed a half dozen bruises or so on my body and in very strange places. My upper, inner thigh has quite a dark bruise that started out light and blossomed into dark purple/black when I got up today. One by my elbow is fading. A couple more on my thighs, then one on my upper arm. Most of them don't hurt, but the one on my upper arm just appears and actually hurts.

I've also noticed that my skin feels very rough. Almost like I really have to exfoliate and have goosebumps. It's both lower arms, my chest, neck and face. It's something I noticed after the second round of loading shots and has become even worse after the third set. Just wondering if it's me, the Crohn's or the Cimzia!
And I woke up with a whole new round of bruises today! I have no idea where they came from, but they're quite colorful!
I've been wondering about you Silver and if you had any new ones!
Gab gets to start her injections again this coming Friday; I am interested to see if shortly after she has any new ones pop up too !
Hey...I have problems with random brusing...I always have but figured it was me being clumsy(I also have problems with random cuts showing up out of nowhere) Just the other day I woke up with a dark bruise on my hip and a bruise on my shin. I'm on 6mp and chalk it up to that...I've always been iron deficient so it's possible it's because of that. It would probably help if she drank more water since it helps your cells eat and break down the damaged cells and carry them to the lymph nodes.
Well Gab did her injections again 2 weeks a go, and about a week a go we started noticing a few bruises on her elbow. Now, she has at least 15-20 on random places all over.
Hmmm...this is so weird.
She has also started her iron back up again a few weeks a go, and the first set of bruises had disappeared, so I thought it had helped. But now, I really believe it's the Cimzia doing it. She has an appt. with her GI on Tuesday so hopefully he will check her bloods again, and have some answers for us as to why this is happening.

And .. thanks Melissa. She drinks tons of water already because she has an ileostomy and already has to worry about dehydration on a daily basis :)

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