I was diagnosed with Crohn's in October and prescribed 9mg of Budesonide and Asacol. In December, I was still having issues so my doctor increased my dosage of Asacol. That has worked well and I haven't had any significant problems for the last couple of months. However, while reading up on Budesonide, I've found references to the drug mentioning 8 week courses of it, followed by reduction and eventually elimination of the drug. But I have already been on it for over 12 weeks with no reduction in dosage, and my doctor just told me that since in doing well, I don't need to see him for 6 months. Is it ever the case that you remain on Budesonide indefinitely? I know I've got about 6 months of refills on my prescription. I'm especially concerned because my husband and I were hoping to try to have another child soon, and I'd like to be on as little medication as possible.