Thank you altogether! Well, it's not haemorrhoids as well, or can that appear within a few weeks? My doctor told me it would probably be some inflammation activity in the rectum at an early stage so when the other symptoms of Crohn's disappear (hopefully very soon when my new medication kicks in!) that should disappear as well.
I also had this kind of pain in the rectum some months ago then it disappeared and I forgot to mention it at my doctor's appointment as well but now it's there again, and stronger than before.
It's not really connected to bowel movements, the burning pain just comes and goes, stays for a few seconds or minutes and then disappears again. When I have many bowel movements in a short amount of time it does become more severe so, yes, there is some link between that but only when I have many many bowel movements.
Sometimes it even feels like cramps. Weird feeling, but it seems as if it is linked to inflammation.
Hope it will disappear soon.