C diff signs

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
DS finished higher dose abx ( amox ) this past Tuesday am.
I gave yogurt mid day every day plus he is on prebio in his peptamen jr.
Pain with eating Wednesday normal BM but a streak of bright red blood mucus
Thursday no BM just Green mucus a dot or two of blood in mucus .
Explosive mucusy BM x2 now D with red furry cover BM ( sorry tmi )
Extreme stomach pain with BM rating a 5 - 5.5
Fwiw he pukes at a 6 stomach pain
Lots of tears.
No fever earlier.
Going to call Gi in the am unless I see something I haven't seen before etc..

So only mommy advice
How or when did you know it was c duff vs a flare vs a bug??

He just had remicade on last Thursday
So he should be good
We haven't experienced CDiff but Johnny had the stomach flu about two weeks ago. It started as nausea for about 2 hours then vomiting for about 8 hours. He didn't have any pain. D for the next day and on an off slight nausea for about 2 days after that.

This was his first time with stomach flu since he was diagnosed and it really ran a normal course for him. Some kids get more D with the flu than vomiting though. What is normal for DS?
Normal for him is constipation -
He vomits repeatedly with flares
So D is a whole new ball game for us
He only had it once in 2011 right before his scope and dx so ....
Flu usually equals High fever and lots of wheezing for him.
Stomach flu fever lots of vomiting
Hence the confusion
- oh well time will tell - I guess
I do not like d or blood in his BM
NO WAY! Sorry no advice...just hugs and prayer that it is a stomach bug and that the awesome Remicade is making him so much better that his reaction to a stomach bug has now changed!
I would want to investigate CDiff tomorrow.
The explosive D when that is not his norm would bother me.
I am sure your G.I. will have a good recommendation.
Otherwise maybe he will be feeling better in the morning and you can wait and see.
I think we have all see things like this appear and disappear just as quickly and we never quite get an explanation as to why. Hoping he is feeling better tomorrow. ((((Hugs)))))
He feels fine in between bathroom runs ....
So not thinking flu .
It is 10 pm and he is still up . Now at 4 BMs
Normal one a day kid.
He has been in and out since 7:00 so basically 3 hours
Ugh ugh ugh
Wait! Did you eat out tonight (probably not given the allergies)...maybe he caught something from some food? Any new food he tried? Please?!
This last BM was just dark red "gems " cover with light mucus .
Lots more than 10 less than 20
No eating out
Just left over pancakes for dinner made from scratch .
Prolapse hurting crying he has to go ...
Right now he is calmly resting by me but ....
This has to stop
Mlp - no fever? Our run with cdiff had the explosive diarrhea plus come and go low grade fever (this was prior to crohns dx by about 3 months). Super significant foul smell too.

Praying for a stomach virus (who'd ever think we'd pray for that ?!?!?!)

I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for a stomach flu and not cdiff. Does the stool smell bad? Have you guys been anywhere with other people that have been sick? Eaten out in the last 72 hours? Some food poisoning takes longer to set in. Keeping my fingers crossed that he improves quickly!
Haven't eaten out since last Thursday
He was at the outpatient clinic for various doc appts all last week. So ...
No one else is sick and he is fine between bath room breaks
Talking laughing etc in bed now .
No foul smell so I think we are in the clear there
Hoping its just a fluke ...
Head sand
Maybe it is something else, but a good advice people give is to stay away from clinics, indoor places with lots of people when you're on broad-spectrum antibiotics, as much as possible. C difficile and toxic megacolon are so common. Hospitals are a safe haven for infectious agents because they clean then from top to bottom and keep them airtight, which means "bugs" have no one to compete with and they thrive there. The best place to get C difficile is a hospital, because you get the people bringing in all the pathogens and because hospitals are kept airtight to lower cost of heating usually, which means pathogens inside the hospital do not need to compete with the ones coming in from outside (nature tends to keep a good balance if you don't shut it out) and hospitals become safe havens for those pathogens.
That's a shame your poor boy isn't feeling good. I always think it's worse when you don't know what it is. Hope it is maybe just a tummy bug of some sort and he feels better soon
The smell CAN be definite, However I didn't notice it for Grace until AFTER she started Flagyil. How is he today? Mary or should I say QuennGothel put some studies on the forum.
Also if your child is constipated they have a higher chance of flare ups....I heard. I'm sure once Rowan is taken care of Mary will be on.
Johnny was the only one sick too. That is always the way in goes in my house but I run around like a crazy person spraying lysol on everything :runaway: and boil my sheets and towels on disinfectent mode in my washer.:biggrin:

I was a germaphobe before crohns, now it is out of hand.

Maybe it's just the flu, any better this morning?
Gi ordered a bunch of stool tests including c diff :(
Which I have to get the orders for and then get the collection stuff for etc so I can turn it in the am
Can you collect stool samples in a Dixie bowel and then refrigerate overnight and take to the center or does it need to be fresh ??
MLP, I know the GI nurse was fine with C having his FC stool test collected in Glad container sealed and refrigerated if we got it after hours but when I called the lab(not the usual GI uses due to finding someone local) they insisted we come get collection container and thought it best we collect and bring right away without refrigeration. Of course, when I hurried over to turn in it the lab tech that took it said there was no rush I could've collected and refrigerated!! Ughh!
I think C diff test has to be freshly passed. Between 1-2 hours at most. I know Fecal cal can be refrigerated and brought the next day.
If you don't refrigerate the ones that should be, what happens ?
Does anyone know?
Like, when the lab checks them, say a fecal cal test, could it show a false elevation? Or the opposite- no elevation when there actually may be?
I learned a lot from my MIL getting the c.diff, the foul order is always present with a colon. Rowan didnt have this odor but they said she never did actually have it. Smells like sulfur or eggs.

Poop must be collected in a special tube. So get the tube, give yourself piece of mind. Can't hurt to get a culture also since you'll be diving into the hat anyway.

If you don't refrigerate it could start to grow and give a false positive sample.
Going to jinx it
But samples were turned in Saturday am at the hospital so per Gi if it was something they would have notified the on call Gi right away.
So far no news ( quiet yippee)

Mostly normal BM Friday - only one with some dark red mucus.
Mild stomach pain
Sat - one bm ( no blood but not much there)- he didn't have his usual amount of juice and fruit so...
Stomach pain gone.

So either a mild Gi bug (24 hour thing) that looked worse due to Ibd
Or mini flare
Is that even possible????
Either way he is fine
So we will discuss what is what with Gi early in the week.
MLP - yeah it's possible but doesn't make it any easier. Someone on here lamented a long time ago "IBD kids just can't be 'sick', can they????"

Well of course they can but we all stand hyper vigilant trying to prevent worst case scenarios. You, MLP, are a great parent. :)

Let us know what the doc says.

How are things going mlp?

Are things continuing to settle?

Good to know a bunch of tests were ordered when there is a deviation from the norm. It goes without saying I hope more than anything they are normal and as time ticks on no news is good news!

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Update all tests are back but one and are normal
So we don't know what the cause was???
But for now since he is doing well - Gi just wants us to watch and let them know if it happens again.
Fingers crossed that it was just a fluke and not Ibd related
Fingers, toes and everything crossed here that this latest episode is well behind you!


Dusty. xxx

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