Calprotectin levels?

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May 9, 2014
Wondering what my levels of calprotectin are to make my doctor think I need colonoscopy? Can anyone advise on what is normal, borderline or high? I'm very curious. All I am told is I need a colonoscopy and my levels are higher than they should be... Somewhat vague information. May quiz the nurse tomorrow and see what info I can muster from her :lol:
Normal calprotectin is below 50... Borderline is around 50-100.
When IBD is flaring it is common for it to be in the thousands.
I'm very interested to know what mine were. Sample was taken with not many symptoms at the time, I'm guessing a reading today would be somewhat higher. Hoping the nurse knows what she is looking for tomorrow and is able to tell me. I hate half hearted stories from the doctor. They only tell you what they think you need to know. Well, I like to know everything lol. At 153 how did you feel and what symptoms did you have? If you don't mind me asking?
I've had readings from below 15 to >1800 (the lab I use is unable to read above 1800). Anywhere between 15 and 160 I feel 100% perfect. Any time I have had symptoms (consistently unformed/liquid BMs) ) I am above 1800 (this was was when I tried to stop my medication). That's me though, I'm sure lots of people have more in-between readings. It seems that my inflammation levels are either low, or, once the crohns gets going, they go off the charts high.
Blood work has never been a good indicator for my son so we've been using Fecal calprotectin tests.

In mid flare with some symptoms his level was 1700. Six months later he had MRE, colonoscopy and fecal calprotectin done. The MRE and colonoscopy showed some simmering inflammation and this was indicated as well in his fecal calprotectin as his result was in the 300 range. Six months after that he was having no symptoms and feeling great and his result was 48.
That was last summer he has actually flared since then but I just wanted to give you some examples of how fecal calprotectin has been used in our case.

Hope you find some answers quickly!
Not many symptoms other than loose stools once per day, dull ache on right side of stomach and back and also at the time some nausea after eating although this has gone now. I have mucus in my stools too.

I had, had a stomach bug 4 weeks prior to submitting the test and had told my gp that my symptoms felt worse since the bug. Now though things are not as bad so I would be interested to see what my reading is now although I suspect it's probably still high.
Yes, a mere 130 is all. Dunno why they're causing such a fuss. I'm lucky compared to many. That was at the start of all the pain. Possibly higher now but on Metronidazole in the hope I feel better soon. These should have been given to me weeks ago as I did find out that my notes had suspected infection beside them but nothing was done initially. So possibly I have been breeding a nasty something somewhere. Will see how these antibiotics suit me. Thank you for asking, means a lot :)
130 isn't very high at all... Have you been diagnosed with IBD, or are you in the process of getting diagnosed? If you have been diagnosed, then a colonoscopy after a reading like that really seems unnecessary. If you haven't, then a colonoscopy could help finish up the process of diagnosis one way or the other.
That's ok. I have many varying symptoms. So not diagnosed and hope not to be but will not be surprised if I am. Should the anti b's work I'm guessing my consultant may state the colonoscopy may not be needed. Time will tell. However should all go in my favour this has opened my eyes to a disease many suffer from and has made me very much aware of something I knew little about. I feel I'm somewhat a bit of an expert compared to a month ago or so lol.
When I was first diagnosed, I felt overwhelmed also. I've learned so much by reading the posts - it has totally changed my perspective on the meds/disease.

Hope they can finally find out what is causing your issues!! :ghug:
Were you already on antibiotics when you did the calprotectin test? I also hope you don't need to be diagnosed! Keep us posted!
Similar to mine then as mine was 153 and I'm the same been referred for urgent colonoscopy....

I was on omeprazole and I read that can affect the result. I had also had a nasty stomach virus 4 weeks before (my whole family had it). So no idea.

I'm waiting on consultant app coming through. Hope you get answers soon x
Sup guys, I'm on about 4 different blogs trying to help make sense of it all. LE30 your symptoms fit mine EXACTLY... I've had bathroom issues for a few years now until oct of last year I was tired all the time and started to get insomnia, at my worst they took my stool and my level came back 155.

It's been 8 months and we have more questions than answers. My endoscopy/ colonoscopy came back perfect except my duodenum looked flat, doc thought celiac.

Blood panel for celiac is negative, but the gluten/dairy free diet has helped a ton.

My reoccurring symptoms are loose/odd stools every few days, burning/pinching in the top right side by my ribs, stuck at the same weight and a little but of mucous.

Doctor gave me the same bs, my ppis and various other things could be causing high cp levels.

I'm currently waiting to see a second gi doctor to support the theory....

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