Can a girl catch a break already?

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May 24, 2011
Before I even start, I guess I should state that I am VERY thankful for the improvements I've had since the summer. My stricture was so bad that everything, eventually including liquids, came back up. Since my surgery, I can eat without extreme pain or vomiting. Mostly.

I had an appointment with my GI on Tuesday and he suspects that I have SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). He put me on Cipro and Flagyl. Just in case your not following me like a stalker, I will add that I certainly have NO love for Flagyl.

So I'm only 2 days into my antibiotics (out of 14) and I have thrown up every day. Not normal throwing up either, of course, that really sick-on the toilet having diarrhea at the same time sick. The nausea is so bad I can't even move for half of the day. I have phenergen which helps, but it makes me so sleepy I can't do anything.

I am so tired of the medicines that are supposed to be helping me, making me even sicker. I know I sound like a huge baby, but I don't know if I can do this for 2 weeks straight. I'm sipping Sprite and eating only crackers. I just got up to 100 lbs, now I'm gonna lose more weight!

Meanwhile, everyone is commenting on how much better I look. Thanks, I feel like a million bucks. Less than 3 hours til my next dose of meds. I might as well start crying now :(
Oh Sarah, I'm so sorry :(

I do follow your story, and you have definitely been through your fair share, and then some.

I don't have any advice except rest, rest, and try to stay very hydrated.
Sending big squishy hugs your way !

And do NOT sound like a baby! :)
I seem to have *hopefully* worked out a system that will keep me from getting long as I take my meds on an empty stomach and wait at least an hour before eating I seem to be okay. Still horribly nauseated, but no more throwing up.

Calling the GI on Monday to see if my labs are in, I'm very curious to know what my blood work looks like right now.
I had to do that sort of thing when I started on azathioprine. Made me so ill after taking it and eating that even though it said to take with food I just didn't. Can't throw up whats not there right?.. hehe.. hope you start to feel better :)
you poor thing!! hope you're doing better with it. i can't take flagyl. i had horrible nausea, diarrhea, extreme muscle cramps and a fever, and that was after 2 pills. i didn't take any more after that.

hugs to you.