Can I changeover Budesonide & then take prednisolone? - Help

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Apr 11, 2012
Do I have to wait a certain amount of time to go from taking Budesonide and then start taking predisolone ?

Will it cause any ill effects to switch ?

Budesonide dont help me but predisolone do..
Budesonide (Entocort) did not work for me and made me feel worse. My doctor put me on prednisone immediately. Budesonide is just another variation of prednisone that has fewer side effects. Budesonide, prednisone and prednisolone are all steroids meant to achieve the same results.

I imagine prednisolone would be the same situation, but that is a question best discussed with your doctor because the answer may vary depending on the severity of your condition and how you typically respond to both medications.
Thank you for your reply.. I am on vacation right now and the budesonide dont seem to be doing a lot to help.. I know the predisolone really help me :eek:)
That's an interesting question. I would think its ok since they are both steroids. The only difference is Entocort is released in the gut whereas Pred is released throughout the body. Either way you would require a prescription so it's a conversation that you would need to have with your provider.
Forever I never heard that. Do you have a source? My former GI always said entocort works within hours. I think he was on the other extreme but basically said it was fairly fast acting.
Nogutsnoglory I will check for you but my GI told me that and It felt that way to me too LOL I guess we have diffirent GI opinions :p
Hi Lilpiggy,

My GI swapped me from budesonide straight over to prednisolone but I don't know if this is the norm or not, I see that your on vacation, can you visit a dr where-ever you are for an emergency appointment to see about getting some prednisolone? It's something we can do over here in Northern Ireland. Hope you get something sorted.

Oh by the way, welcome to the forum :ghug:
I was on 90mg of budesonide for about 18 months and worked well for most of that time until it was not as effective anymore. During that time my crohns wouldn't let me reduce the dosage. No noticeable sideeffects :)

My specialist moved me straight over to 50mg of prednisone. That is currently working though trying to taper at the moment ready to start on Humira soon. Been on it for a month now and already spotting sideeffects unfortunately.

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