Let me tell you my story, and it's not all pretty.
I had been sick for almost 30 years with no relief. I was almost out of hope. I was out of energy to keep fighting.
I had failed all medications...ALL of them. You name it, I had tried it and failed.
Along came Humira. I read and read, just like you are now, but I threw caution to the wind and tried it. I kid you not, inside of 24 hours, I had no pain. No pain. It actually made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin because I had not experienced 'no pain' in almost 30 years. I didn't know how to respond, how to act, what to feel, or how to live my life.
I quickly got over the uncertainties, and decided I could either cocoon or I could live my life. I traveled. I fell in love and married. I was happy beyond anything I ever dreamed of. I lived the fairy tale for many years.
Then on a fluke eye exam something was wrong. The Ophthalmologist needed a brain MRI.....and there it was......demyelinating disease brought on by Humira. I was crushed. My dream drug was over. My dream life was over. Now, without Humira, my MS-like demyelinating problems are escalating, Lupus is active, RA is active, COPD set in, Sjogren's worsened, etc.
Would I change anything? Looking back, should I have skipped Humira knowing then what would eventually happen?
It would be like saying I wouldn't have married my best friend if I had known he was going to die shortly after we married. I would have done it anyway. As a matter of fact, I knew he would, but I took the chance and it paid high dividends.
For many years, I had a normal life that I was truly in love with. I ate life. I wouldn't give that up for anything.
Now I'm out of choices. There is nothing left for me, and my GI said I won't live long enough to see the next thing coming down the pike. But you know what? I wouldn't change a thing. I had my glory days. I had my beautiful life. I had my moment in time, and it was all because I took a chance on Humira. No one can take those memories away from me, regardless of the finish.
I'm not saying you should dive in and take a biologic. This is just my story, and maybe I should keep it to myself; I don't know. I really don't know. If it sounds as though I'm trying to push you into something, please accept my apology. Ultimately, you have to do what you feel is right for you.