Can this be true?

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Jul 12, 2011
I was recently diagnosed with CD after 30 years of symptoms. Spent 6 days in the hospital due to severe abdominal pain and vomiting. Tests revealed widespread inflammation, a stricture, and a fistula between my small intestine and distal end of my colon. I was pretty shocked.

Started on the Specified Carbohydrate Diet and some supplements prescribed by a very savvy naturopathic doc who treats many chronic GI patients.

Had three doses of some sort of prednisone and one dose of remicade while hospitalized. Less than two weeks after coming home, I had another painful night of abdominal pain but refused to go to the ER because I was convinced they would stick that NG tube down me. Called my doc the next day and he ordered a CT scan.

Got the call from the doc that my scan looked remarkably clean and he sounded pretty surprised. Didn't get too many details (it was his day off) and I will see him Tuesday. I am also scheduled to have my second Remicade treatment on Monday.

Is it really possible to have so much healing in less than two weeks?
From remicade yes. I had a severe flare with fistulas, and my fistulas healed in 4 days, and I was in remission a week later. It was THAT fast.
Wow! I really thought that the radiologist gave my doc someone else's report. How long do you plan on staying on the Remicade?
Well I have been on it for over a year now, and while I am still in remission for the most part, I think I am just about done with the remicade. I think its doing wierd things to my immune system. I get sore joints, sore muscles, an itchy rash on my neck that comes and goes, and the odd tender lymphnode, along with random abdominal pain not related to crohns. I dont get all this at the same time and it kinda comes and goes. I will say I feel normal 90-95% of the time as in fully normal. However these symptoms are making me nervous, coupled with the fact that I have had 4 early miscarriages since starting remicade, is enough to make me want to switch to immuran.

Immuran has worked for me in the past, but I was so severely flaring I didnt have time to wait for immuran to kick in. It was either remicade or surgery. I will have to start with immuran before I come of the remicade because I get breakthrough symptoms right before the next infusion is due. I see my GI in Sept, so I will talk to him about it then.
Yes, I had similar results-my fistula healed in less than two weeks! When you've suffered so much it seems like a miracle when you find relief so quickly.
I had my first infusion this week on Monday. I would be ecstatic if I had the quick results I have read about on here. Been on Imuran/Azathioprine since Dec with no results in healing the fistula. I have been dealing with peri-anal disease going on 6 years with no real relief.
You and I must be in the same boat. I had previously had Crohn's in the small intestine, then it moved to rectal/perianal area. I also had fistulas, abcesses, skin tags-UGH! It seems to be really stubborn to treat in this area.

Remicade cleared up my fistula in two weeks; by the next infusion it was totally healed. I hope it works as well for you-it is such misery having a fistula!

That's not to say it's perfect, meaning that occasionally it feels as though it's returning; but after the infusion no symptoms.

FYI Calmoseptine provides alot of topical relief for these issues-you have to ask for it at the drug store-it's OTC but they keep it behind the counter. Hope this helps and best wishes with your infusion!
Wow, it boggles my mind how people have suffered so much with this disease.

The only symptom I've ever had is diarrhea. No pain, no fatigue. I've run marathons, participated in triathlons, hiked, biked, etc with no problems. I wish it could be like this for everyone.
I am still getting Remicade infusions every two months. My next infusion will be in late October and will be my 4th infusion.

I feel great but have a little diarrhea from time to time and sometimes a feeling of fullness or distention in my abdomen. It passes quickly and it doesn't effect my lifestyle whatsoever.

Had a minor foot surgery last week and as soon as that heals, I'll be hitting the road running, and hopefully back on the mountain trails hiking.
i don't think i've ever been offered Remicade (i think its infliximab here in uk), do brits get this and how is it for you, cos to be honest even my liquid feed dashes through and i still suffer pain. we've tried everything, but i'm sure i've not been offered this. can't believe what people say about it working so fast.
Spooky, I started on Infliximab two weeks ago. I have severe inflammation which hasn't healed on Pred and Aza. I had a bowel to bladder fistula and possibly a second one starting, so was looking at surgery but antibiotics and possibly the Aza seem to have closed them, so surgeon and GI advised Infliximab. I had the second infusion yesterday and I feel well for the first time in a year.
omg, grumble, i just saw my surgeon who gave me strong antibiotics but is stuck so said might have to resort to surgery, which for me at least, seems like someone struck an axe in my stomach for 4 to 5 days. i'm not keen. its great you feel well. i think i might push for this. any known side effects (apart from feeling great)


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