Here's a great example, my 19 yr old (soon to be 20) daughter has been having gut issues fsince she was 15ys old and she's been in for all the tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy, ect and they haven't found anything (yet and hopefully it won't turn into to IBD either) so for now they are treating her as having severe IBS...they've given her an antidepressant that they use as a cross-over drug to help treat IBS, it's called "Amitriptyline"...her GI told it could take around 2 months to kick in...and plans to scope her again in about 4-5 months since they feel that she may be on the verge of developing an IBD (either CD or UC).
It's so hard to say, I guess cuz they just don't know enough yet and it varies so much from person to person. I was a quick and easy DX CDer, oddly enough though, my CD stared with the perianal crohn's skin tags, oddly enough as well, when I was about 15 but I had absolutely no other IBD issues at all (or IBS) I went to the bathroom normally, this is why all the GP's that saw my skin tags told me they were just hemmies (of course they weren't though) in essence my CD started on the anus with the tags, not internally (or in the small intestines like it typically does) and yet here I am, a mess.
I just hope like heck my daughter doesn't end up with an IBD and if she does have IBS I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that the antidepressant they've put her on for it will kick in soon and help her completely.
They say that to aid with IBS symptoms, getting enough (not necessarily too much though) fibre daily and regular daily exercise and alterning your diet like avoiding processed foods, greasy foods, spicey, animal fats and sugar including sugar substitutes (especially sugar alcohols, anything ending in "tol", sorbitol, and stress reduction ect, can help control IBS for many people. Oddly enough some of those very same tips are suppose to aid with IBD as well.
Just a side note, has anyone else noticed the site running really super slow right now?