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May 4, 2014

I am currently undiagnosed and this has all come as a bit of a shock to me. My gp has always told me I have ibs but recently she told me to give a stool sample to check calprotectin levels. She called me Friday and said it has come back high indicating inflammation and likely ibd. I've been referred for colonoscopy. I'm also terrified it's cancer.

I've always had tummy troubles since my teens. I'm 33 now. At 23 I contracted campylobacter and was severely ill for at least six months afterwards. I was passing blood and mucus for months, sometimes no actual stool. I had a sigmoidoscopy and was told I had ibs. I don't think biopsys were taken.

I've always struggled to digest vegetables. I would have terrible bloating and wind after them. I would also have bouts of diarrheah depending on what I ate. I just thought it was normal.

I then developed an anxiety disorder at 30 and well the tummy troubles sky rocketed. I was told I had ibs and gastritis. Then I had my second baby a year ago and I started to eat healthy and noticed I was having loose stools every morning. Normally just once per day. I also was sensitive to certain foods for example olive oil. This would give me stomach cramps and diarrheah.

I then got a bout of gastroenteritis about 5 weeks ago and thing have been terrible since. I've got mucus in every stool. I sometimes feel constipated. I've been to the toilet 3 times in the past two hours. Started off formed stool then diarrheah. I have an ache at my right side of my stomach.

I'm not anemic although was severely so during my pregnancy and. Directly afterwards almost needing a blood transfusion. After giving birth I began to get abscesses and had to have surgery for one. Doctors kept asking me if I had any autoimmune diseases to which I said no. I also suffer from mouth ulcers maybe every few months. My haemaglobin is now normal without supplements but my b12 is borderline and so is my folic acid. I took supplements for a few weeks and the levels came up. I then stopped and I retested 6 months later and they had dropped again. But my gp says they are still normal even thought they are like one point in the 'normal' range and keep dropping!!!

In the past 4 years I've just not felt 'well' and I've had numerous tests like abdominal ultrasounds, chest X-rays, abdominal MRI, throat scopes, bladder scans, ovaries and uterus scans. Millions of blood tests including seeing a haematologist who ran panels for tumours (I was starting to worry about cancer), all of which has been normal. And I've been told it's just anxiety and ibs.

So can I ask does any of this sound like ibd??

Thanks and I'm sorry it's so long!!!!
Sorry I am also wondering if anyone knows about calprotectin false positives. I've read somewhere that ppi's can give false positives and I take omeprazole. Also I'm wondering if I had gastroenteritis 4 weeks prior to submitting the stool sample could that affect the result....

Also I had a celiac blood test and it was negative.

Hello from deepest darkest Coatbridge,it's not a long post,just a discription of a bad time some of your tale of woe is familiar to me,I think you can almost(scary word)discount a tumour or cancer.i won,t attempt to guesses what's wrong but it sounds like your getting all the tests I had and then some,next step I would think would be a colonoscopy it's one of the best methods for finding out what's wrong.your post sounds so like my trials and tribulations I thought it was mine!
If your having a bad time just now as a temporary measure until your on medication,start a food diary see what sets you off common ones are salad,raw veggies greasy oily food excepting oily fish there good for you.try to bland your diet out for a while chicken,chicken with more chicken,white rice some spices are natural anti-inflammatories turmeric springs to mind for a veggie fix home soup with the veggies we'll cooked and blended are fine and tasty,invest in George foreman really good for cutting oil,grease out your diet.there's tons of advice on here but listen to your doctor and your body.i know it's difficult but try to avoid doctor google depressing git,no news is good news.bad news if your a smoker stop it makes things worse be very wary of alcohol I,m fine with some horrible with others.
Above all remember it gets better!
Sorry about the long reply good luck all the best
I can also relate to your story. It took a lot of tests, until I had a colonoscopy, then I was diagnosed. I highly doubt there is any cancer from all the tests you have had done, but a colonoscopy will give you a clear picture of any IBD present.
Hang in there! As soon a they know what it is you can be on your way to feeling better!
I was sick on and off for almost 5 years before diagnosis.
Big hugs to u!
Thank you

Axel. Thanks for your reply and hello to Coatbridge! I'm actually in paisley. Can I also have you been diagnosed and when you say my story sounds like yours could you maybe tell me about it? Like I said this is all a shock to me I never even considered I may have ibd until ofcourse this calprotectin test and then adding everything up over the years.

Lam thanks for sharing your story with me. It helps to hear. Can I ask what your symptoms were?

TheOcean thanks so much for replying. When you say a lot of of it screams ibd can you let me know what specifically? If things are bad just now and I did have ibd would this be classed as a flare?

I've been keeping track of trigger foods and definitely salad veg sets me off. Also anything like Spanish tapas with lots of oil. I also had ling prawns in butter sauce recently and was in the loo for After 2 hours with chronic cramps and diarrheah. Also I don't feel tired as such but I just feel kinda of weak, sort of washed out. I also meant to add that I was actually deficient in folic acid and my ferritin in October. B12 was something like 203 so almost off. I then took the folic acid supplements and b12 for 4 weeks and they shot up. I stopped them just to see what would happen and like I said 6 months later they are practically deficient again. Except the ferritin which is sitting at 44. I had this tested in 2011 and it was 44 then too. Seems where I sit. Not sure if this even related to ibd.
I first started with uncontrollable bowel movements, literally I would have accidents in my pants and in my bed at night. The dr wrote it off as something else, gave me some meds for a week or two and I felt fine. Four years later I started having intense pains in my abdomen that would last 20 seconds then go away, on and off all day. Dr did blood work and levels were low, so the testing began. X-rays, bloodwork, scans, nothing showed, until a colonoscopy. During the test part I was losing weight, goi to the washroom many times daily, vomiting, and very pale and tired. So I went to a GI, he did a colonoscopy, diagnosed me with crohns, told me that I will need surgery in a few years (as he says this he's smoking a cigarette in his office. I never saw him again. I took the time to find a GI I like, which I did. 20 years later, I am well, I have a baby boy, and consider myself lucky to not have had any surgery, yet. I will have surgery one day, I understand that, but not without a fight. Have I had some rough times, absolutely, but I consider myself to be living a great life. I take things one day at a time. Hope this helps.
Tummy troubles since a young age, inflammation (which normally isn't present with IBS), blood and mucous, no formed stool in combination with that, trouble with vegetables/fibre, anxiety triggering BMs, anemia, mouth ulcers, low hemoglobin, B12... Honestly, pretty much everything you've mentioned.
I basically had little or no control over my backside,was doing mucosy bloody messes all the time had abdominal pain all the time and just felt Ill for a long time,really just what you,ve described.bowel cancer was mentioned but I was pretty sure it wasn't,t.had a camera where the sun don,t shine,watched it on the monitor during the procedure saw the inflammation myself,bizarre feeling by the way so was the endoscopy,how can you breath with 3 feet of camera down your throat?
Thank you that helps!

Can I ask if anyone knows if rapid transit time is a sign of crohns. I know this is tmi but I noticed that something I ate at 11pm last night was being poo'd out at 8am this morning! It was spring onion and the only time I've eaten it was last night. I've noticed this before too.

The other thing I'm getting is I need to push the stool out even though it's soft? What's that all about?! I also have a vaginal prolapse (yeah I've got it all going on I know!!!) so I don't know if that's contributing to the issue of having to push! I know that when my rectum is full yuk I know I feel it's more difficult to urinate??? I've had bladder scans just last week and there's nothing's wrong with my bladder. It only happens a when I need to poo.

The only thing that makes me wonder if not crohns is that I don't have uncontrollable bowel movements. I hear people talking about knowing where all the toilets are etc and I don't have that problem??

I just want this colonoscopy app ASAP.

Sorry for all the questions!!x
Crohn's is a very individualized disease so just because you're missing one symptom doesn't mean it's not what you have.

Also you generally get more frequent bowel movements, yes. At its worst I would sometimes go every half hour.
Hi TheOcean

Would you say then that your food can move quicker and out the other tend quicker? That said apparently 12-24 hours is optimal and under 10 hours not great but mine is about was about 9 hours so I guess it's not too bad.

I'm just getting very stressed worrying about this Because I have a real fear of cancer and I'm terrified that's what's causing all of this.

Does anyone else have acid reflux?
Spring onions or raw onions in general are a really common trigger.i find I,m ok when there cooked in mince a stew or curry
Thanks both!

I seem to have lost my appetite. Partly Becuase I'm anxious but also I feel all the thigs I like upset my stomach! I felt hungry earlier and I ate hot dogs earlier Andy stomach was full of trapped wind feeling. It's gone now.

I know this is tmi but I was also reading about skin lesions caused by crohns. Does anyone have this kind of thing? Reason being is that for years (probably 6 years plus) I've noticed I keep getting these red spots on my bum cheeks!! No where else and even the ones that have healed have caused scarring. But my bum is had lots of them! Haha lovely conversation here from me!!
What kinds of things do you think are upsetting your stomach?

Hmm, I'm not sure about the spots you're getting, though. I get fissures, but that's it. Maybe it's something bacterial?
funny you mention this. I have not been diagnosed with crohns, but have had gut issues for the last three years now. I keep being told IBS. I also just recently have been getting weird skin issues. I get these red bumps that just pop up on my legs out of nowhere. They look like the size of a pencil eraser in circumference. When I first got them they itched like crazy, like a mosquito bite. Really weird and not sure what they are either....

Thanks both!

I seem to have lost my appetite. Partly Becuase I'm anxious but also I feel all the thigs I like upset my stomach! I felt hungry earlier and I ate hot dogs earlier Andy stomach was full of trapped wind feeling. It's gone now.

I know this is tmi but I was also reading about skin lesions caused by crohns. Does anyone have this kind of thing? Reason being is that for years (probably 6 years plus) I've noticed I keep getting these red spots on my bum cheeks!! No where else and even the ones that have healed have caused scarring. But my bum is had lots of them! Haha lovely conversation here from me!!
Tummy troubles since a young age, inflammation (which normally isn't present with IBS), blood and mucous, no formed stool in combination with that, trouble with vegetables/fibre, anxiety triggering BMs, anemia, mouth ulcers, low hemoglobin, B12... Honestly, pretty much everything you've mentioned.

ME TOO! Good Luck to you! It is scary, but gets better.
Well at the moment I feel everything I eat bloats me and gives me a feeling of trapped wind?? But then I can pass the wind later.

But I will get diarrheah if I eat any salad vegetables or anything cooked in oil. I don't cook with oil myself but everytime I go out for a meal I end up with diarrheah. Recently I was out for dinner and had king prawns in garlic butter sauce then steak with tomatoes and onion. The steak appeared to have been fried. Within an hour of finishing I had the most intense stomach cramps and then diarrheah. Luckily we managed to get home in time so I could have the comfort of my own bathroom!

Another time I was out for an Italian meal had bruschetta to start so lots of olive oil and tomatoes and onions, then I had spaghetti bolognaise Halfway through the main course I started getting the stomach cramps and had to use the toilet about three times.

My uncle also cooks a lot of Spanish tapas dishes (olive oil a main feature) which all taste amazing but again I have diarrheah the next morning.

I had gastroenteritis about 5 weeks ago now and since then things have been terrible. Everything I eat gives me trapped wind then I either have diarrheah or constipation. I think the constipation is happening Becuase I am hardly eating as I dread the tummy aches. The day to day tummy aches are not excruciating like the times I've described.
What do you think?
You need to bland your diet out for a week or two see if that helps lots of chicken,fish,white rice for a veggie fix make homemade soup of stock cubes cook and blend the veggies well,you,ll need some fibre as well bran flakes,banana,s raisins and see your doctor let them know your having problems
thanks Axel. I called and asked for the calprotectin level which is 150. Normal 10-50.

I know the reason I'm now not going properly is because I'm not eating.
It is not so much dry, but the bumps did itch when they first appeared, but not anymore. I went to a dermatologist and he was not concerned, tried to tell me it was maybe a reaction to some bug bite! Well I just got more recently and so it is Not a bug bite or anything like that. We even checked out beds for bed bugs though I knew it was not that, but we double inspected anyways. It is definitely something though. I will probably have to go back to the dermy and have them biopsy if I keep getting them to see what it is.. Not sure about the erythema Nodosum, I would think the dermy doc would have been able to know what that was wouldn't he have?

QUOTE=theOcean;774229]Ihurt: is your skin there also dry or itchy? It may be either erythema nodosum or it's eczema/psoriasis.[/QUOTE]
Erythema nodosum caused me to suddenly get these red bumps on my legs, which varied in size. I can't remember if they were itchy or not anymore. And I would hope your dermatologist would recognize them!

Otherwise I'm not too sure what else it could be, hmm.
Hmm, I am not sure. My bumps were like the size of a pencil eraser and were very bright pink when they first appeared. The first ones I got itched like a mosquito bite. After about a couple weeks they got smaller and kind of scabbed over and are going away. Then two weeks later I got a couple more. Those did not itch though like the first ones, but were the exact same size and very bright pink. That was 5 days ago and now they are not bright pink anymore though but still there. When your bumps came were they like hard underneath like a pimple where you could feel a bump?

QUOTE=theOcean;775549]Erythema nodosum caused me to suddenly get these red bumps on my legs, which varied in size. I can't remember if they were itchy or not anymore. And I would hope your dermatologist would recognize them!

Otherwise I'm not too sure what else it could be, hmm.[/QUOTE]