Having a bit of a panic! I have been taking LDN for almost two years and, during that time, it healed two fistulas. My Consultant, who didn't really want me to take LDN in the first place, was really pleased. I am not sure that I have at any point gone into remission.
I have been taking freshly compounded LDN, ordered from Skipps Pharmacy for about 4 months as I was concerned that the UK supplies were stale.
I had a specialise ultrasound today and was told that I have active Crohns, a fistulae and a collection. A hat trick! Joy!
When I go back to my Consultant with the results, he is, no doubt going to want to prescribe biologics, which I would rather avoid if possible.
If the LDN has stopped working, then I suppose I will have no choice, but I was wondering if any of you out there have had any similar problems, and what was done for you.
I am otherwise feeling well - the only thing I notice is a pain in my groin from time to time, and the odd pain when I think that my stools are trying to get through a narrowed intestine.
Feeling rather flat after receiving this news.
Can anyone help out there?
Sally x :ysmile:
Having a bit of a panic! I have been taking LDN for almost two years and, during that time, it healed two fistulas. My Consultant, who didn't really want me to take LDN in the first place, was really pleased. I am not sure that I have at any point gone into remission.
I have been taking freshly compounded LDN, ordered from Skipps Pharmacy for about 4 months as I was concerned that the UK supplies were stale.
I had a specialise ultrasound today and was told that I have active Crohns, a fistulae and a collection. A hat trick! Joy!
When I go back to my Consultant with the results, he is, no doubt going to want to prescribe biologics, which I would rather avoid if possible.
If the LDN has stopped working, then I suppose I will have no choice, but I was wondering if any of you out there have had any similar problems, and what was done for you.
I am otherwise feeling well - the only thing I notice is a pain in my groin from time to time, and the odd pain when I think that my stools are trying to get through a narrowed intestine.
Feeling rather flat after receiving this news.
Can anyone help out there?
Sally x :ysmile: