Cannot sleep again

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I've been on it for 8 months, and on occasion I do get insomnia but nothing significant.
Hi julesinfrance, Ive been receiving Inflix for around 8 months now (ditto moogie!) and haven't really had insomnia. I have been on the drug for a relatively short time so maybe not the best to advise on this, I would however advise that you contact your IBD Nurse (if your Hospital has one) If not contact your GI to see if it's normal. I would also consider that if you are feeling well and getting you health back that you are currently experiencing energy that you forgot you had and are prob not sure how to use it!!! I know that when I started to fell 'normal' I wasn't really sure what to do with myself! All this energy that I hadn't had for a long time however the housework still isn't the top of my priorities!!!! Feel better soon x
Thankyou Baroukee, yeh you may be right, although it is driving mad and I will definitely mention it when I have my next infusion November 25th as it does seem to be getting worse! I think one of the problems may be that I spent so many years taking loads of pain meds: Morphine, Amytryptiline, Tetrazepam etc
and of course they made me so drowsy I was always out like a light. Since taking the Remicade, i take alot less other meds and my system is just not used to getting to sleep naturally. Went to the pharmacy today and asked for a natural remedy to help me sleep, so will give that a try! Thanks for your post and I hop you keep well also. Take care x
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Sorry to hear about your loss of sleep... I suffer from insomnia regardless of medications, and I would imagine that a lot of folks who suffer from Crohn's Disease also suffer from bouts of insomnia. I think that it is somehow linked to the disease.
Insomnia was a Remicade side effect for me, but only for the first 3 months. The first 2 months I had insomnia a few times a week (and I very rarely had insomnia prior), then it slowed down the following month. After the 3rd month, my sleep habits went back to normal.

Try drinking 300ml of Montmorency cherry juice 30 mins before bedtime for a few days.

It certainly helps me go to sleep & stay asleep for 7 hours


I have insomnia too. Always wake up a couple of times a night and sometimes can't go back to sleep for an hour or more. Besides that it also works on my bladder so i wake up a couple of times a night to use the bathroom...

Sucks! I have had this since the first time I took remicade and it didn't stop for 3 years :) I long for a straight night of 8 hours of sleep...

I will def try the cherry juice and see if it helps
For me sometimes 5 to 6 days out of the month i have insomnia. Meletonin helps me sometimes and other times it doesn't. Also try to tire yourself out during the day. When you lay down at night you will go right to sleep.
I've been on it a year I've been on Remicade and have insomnia probably 4 or 5 nights a week. It's 4:30 here and still haven't slept, this was the case last night too. I'm not so sure it's from Remicade though, I've had this problem ever since I was diagnosed with Crohn's 4 years ago.
This is no joke but i use marijuana to help me sleep and it helps with the crohn's symptoms although I only had one infusion and awaiting for more here in oz its paid for by the government but I need to apply for more so just using the medical marijuana at the momet
but you need a strain that is has more cbd than thc as the thc is what makes you high but the cbd relaxes the body and helps sleep and symptoms you feel the medical marijuana more in the body than in the head I take it and hou or two before bed and it helps me sleep tremendously I refuse to take sleeping pills as I have heard horror stories about them
As i am scanning threads I just saw my other post. This is the first night i am up in a while......its 3am. Gotta go to work at 7:30A. :ywow: