hey ok so i am 99% sure that you have esophageal ulcers.
i have these and it is EXACTLY what youre describing.
except i have never spit up blood, at least i dont think so.
GO to your GI, tell him the problem, and request an edoscopy. (where they stick the camera down your throat instead up up yer butt)
i think this is the best way for them to dx esophageal ulcers.
usually when mine start acting up i take a Medrol Pack (5 day run of pred, no side effects, dont worry) and that helps a LOT.
if it gets so bad that you cannot eat or drink, you should really be admitted into the hospy, at least you wont have to worry about forcefeeding yourself.
up to you if/when you think that step is necessary.
however, when eating, i have found it VERY helpful to eat like this.
put a small bite of food in your mouth, take a small sip of whatever youre drinking, and kind of swish things around in there until it gets to be....slimey? lol when the saliva coats over everything and makes a nice glob, it is SO much better to swallow that.
just keep working it around in your mouth until your saliva has taken over k?
i promise you, it is worth the time and annoyance of eating like a weirdo, it really helps with the pain.