Capsule Endoscopy

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Jul 17, 2013
Hi all,

I was recently (May 2013) diagnosed with Crohns Disease. I was diagnosed following a trip to A&E after being sick for 4 weeks.
I had a endoscopy and a colonoscopy which confirmed I had Crohns in both my esophagus and large bowel. I am currently decreasing my steroids (should be finished these in 3 weeks) which I started while I was in hospital.

My consultant started me on imuran (on 75mg due to increase to 100mg in 10 days) 2 weeks after I had a follow up appointment in the gastro clinic. My consultant has scheduled me for a capsule endoscopy to check if I have Crohns in my small intestine before we discuss further treatment.

I am just wondering if anyone has had this one? Was it painless?

L x
I had this done a few weeks ago. Do you know if they want you to do a patency capsule beforehand? The patency capsule gives them a better idea if the regular pillcam will pass through. I swallowed the patency capsule, then returned the next day to get an x-ray to see if the capsule was still inside me. If it had been, I wouldn't have been allowed to swallow the real pillcam, and the patency capsule would have started dissolving after 30 hours.

Both the pillcam and patency capsule were painless for me. It's just like swallowing a large vitamin. For the actual pillcam, I was strapped to a receiver that I carried with me for 8 hours. I'd definitely recommend getting a patency capsule if at all possible. It doesn't eliminate the possibility of the pillcam getting stuck, but it definitely reduces it. If the pillcam does get stuck, it's possible that you could need surgery to remove it, so doing the patency capsule gave me a little more peace of mind.
Hi VetGirl,

Thank you so much for your reply. How are you? How are you feeling?

Yes, they did mention organising that first, so that will definitely be a peace of mind. Thank you so much for your reply. Really helped

I've had one of these. I didn't have the patency capsule (which alarms me in hindsight) but there were no serious strictures along the way - yay me?

It's not too big. Actually quite easy to swallow! The only 'pain' I felt during the whole procedure was when they had to remove the (what're they called?) electrode pads that connected me to the receiver. I didn't think I had that much hair on my chest and stomach until they were quite hard to get off, haha!

But yeah, the procedure is very easy. I'd much prefer it to an actual colonoscopy! 8)

Hope everything goes well for you. :)
I'm doing well, Laura1988, thanks! The pillcam showed some ulcers in my small intestine, but luckily no strictures so far. I'm new to all of this too, and I've found this forum full of really supportive and helpful people.

Emmaaaargh is right - those electrode pads were not too fun to remove - it took me forever to get the adhesive off my stomach. I hope the capsule endoscopy goes well for you, keep us updated!
I had this done a few weeks ago. Do you know if they want you to do a patency capsule beforehand? The patency capsule gives them a better idea if the regular pillcam will pass through. I swallowed the patency capsule, then returned the next day to get an x-ray to see if the capsule was still inside me. If it had been, I wouldn't have been allowed to swallow the real pillcam, and the patency capsule would have started dissolving after 30 hours.

Both the pillcam and patency capsule were painless for me. It's just like swallowing a large vitamin. For the actual pillcam, I was strapped to a receiver that I carried with me for 8 hours. I'd definitely recommend getting a patency capsule if at all possible. It doesn't eliminate the possibility of the pillcam getting stuck, but it definitely reduces it. If the pillcam does get stuck, it's possible that you could need surgery to remove it, so doing the patency capsule gave me a little more peace of mind.

Hi There

Im having an mre next week to see if im suitable for a capsule endoscopy. I had a Colonoscopy that revealed inflammation in the terminal ileum. I have heard that patients need to take bowel prep before swallowing the pill and wondered if u can clarify this, also as its filming for 8 hours does this mean that you cannot eat or drink during that time? Thanks for your advice
Glad to help in any way that I can! There's conflicting info online about the prep, but the GI should be able to clarify what their policy is. For mine, they only had me stop eating and drinking at 7pm the night before. I wasn't put on any bowel prep, and I could eat anything I wanted the day before.

I didn't eat or drink in the morning, but they gave me some water when I swallowed the pill at 8am. I was allowed to drink water 2 hours later (10am), and food 2 hours after that (noon). The rest of the day, I just went about life as normal, well, as normal as you can with a receiver strapped to you.

Like I said, it seems to depend on the GI, but they got great results from mine without an extensive prep. Good luck!

I have also had this tests, it was nothing at all. It was just the prep the day before that really sucked as usual. He made me use Golyte this time as it tends to clean out the small intestine better than the other Osmotic agents (think that's what they are called). Only thing for me the golyte gave the runs for 3 days afterwards. Was a terrible feeling.
Otherwise the pill camera was nothing. If the doctor expects for you to have any high levels of inflammation or stricturing you should probably ask for the dummy pill first. As you do not want to get the pill stuck. It is uncommon but it still happens. But I remember my doctor telling me when I asked about the Pill dummy and my Gi said "if it gets stuck there is a reason it gets stuck" Mine didn't it was out in less than 24 hours.

I hope you have success.

I had a pillcam test and like the was easy, with no after effects or discomfort. I have a lot of body hair and looked like a 9 hole golf course when they prepped me for the electrodes. Over the years I have learned that the best way to remove any bandage or stick on is by dipping my finger in either baby oil or Vasoline and running it around the outside and working in. It may take a while but it separates the hair from the glue almost painlessly.

Good luck,
