Causes of IBD

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Hi everyone,

I know that there are several theories as to what actually causes IBD's, but I have read that there are links between animal faeces and water. Now, as a child, as I live in the country, during the summer, my friend and I (and members of my family) used to swim in the river and resevoir (silly I know but.....) anyway, as adults we now both have an IBD, however none of my family do although my brother has reative arthritis which is apparently caused by a virus? So, my question is, does anyone know about this link or have any useful info, or does anyone have a similar story?
Your talking about MAP virus, but that doesnt have anything to do with water or animal feces.

MAP is a form of tuberculosis. Its not really proven that it plays a role, although women with crohns have significantly found this in there breast milk, I think its like 80 some percent, its a high number.

I dont REALLY think its one cause. I think its our environment, of course, but I also think it is auto-immune. Which would explain if you have one its a lot easier to get another, which in my case, I have asthma since 6 months, then crohns at 17.

By the way MAP presents itself in cattle with the same symtoms that humans present Crohns. This is where the Makers Diet and things like this come from.
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I know about the map virus and I am sure that is different to contaminated waters, I may be wrong, will have to look at the site where I read this will get back to you. Thanks for your input anyway.

Map Virus

I've looked for the info I needed, you're right it is the map bacteria I'm talking about, got a little confused. It is also found in water supplies and in animal faeces. The animals would include not only cows but also sheep, goats etc The website that has a little info about this is shown below. You may not have heard about the map virus in water and the cross infection between different livestock as apparently the USA haven't researched it, even though they have evidence to show the results. Its a very controversial subject but have a look at the site and see what you think.:)

Hope you find this interesting reading

Actually I know all about the gov. keeping it secret. Ironically believe it or not, I guess if you want to call them 'Dairy lobbyist' are one of the biggest lobbyers on Capital Hill.

I had heard about the different livestock, or farm animals getting infected but not the water thats cool.

There is actually someone in I believe Australia who is working on a Vaccine for the MAP virus, which they say should be out by 2007...dont know how much good that will do, or how much truth is in that, OR if the FDA will approve it for American use.

I'd just like to add a view key excerpts I liked from the link I provided above.

Profound remissions in Crohn's disease patients have been induced using anti-mycobacterial drug therapy which has effectivity against MAP. (Note: One study alone documented profound remission in over 80% of Crohn's disease patients using anti-mycobacterial drugs which has effectivity against MAP)

MAP causes Johne's Disease in cattle. MAP (Johne's Disease) infection in cattle bears remarkable clinical similarity to Crohn's disease in humans (e.g. chronic or intermittent diarrhea, ileum/intestinal/systemic involvement, wasting, immune system reaction, etc.).

there is a rapidly growing body of scientific evidence, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, which suggests that human infection with the Mycobacterium known as Mycobacterium avium, supspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) -- a recognized pathogen in animals (including primates) -- may be causing some, and possibly all, cases of Crohn's disease.
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Yeah I too have read about the anti map injection, sounds promising. Hope to see alittle more info about it.

I've found another MAP and Crohns connection site sponsored by NACC in the UK, which seems it does NOT support the connection although it does admit evidence of its presense in Crohns Disease, it says it doesnt act as it would in people with Non-Crohns Disease.<---sorry I think you have to copy an paste it!

Some studies, one individually scientifically clamed remission in I believe either 70 or 80% of patients usuing Anti-MAP virus though.