CCFA Meetings

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Jun 27, 2009
Hello all,
So I am finally starting to think about going to my local chapter's CCFA meetings, which I have never attended yet, but would not be able to start until January because I have a class at the time the meetings are held this semester (I'm a full-time college student.) So, I figured all of you would be the best people to talk to about this. What are the meetings like? How many people typically attend? What kinds of things are discussed during them? Are there any fundraisers or any other types of events that are held that you can get involved in? Because not only do I want to get involved in these meetings and meet some people possibly my age that also have Crohn's, but I also want to get involved and possibly do some volunteer work. Any input would be appreciated!! :)
HI there, I commend you on thinking on Volunteering and going to meetings. I go to the CCFC I am in Canada, Ont., and I go to the meetings but there are no winter meetings for me too far and lotsa snow here. There are bbq's and fundraisers for walk-a-thons, bikeathons, etc. You learn how to teach people about awareness because it is so important. Most people dont have a clue about this disease unless you have it. That helps employers, Universities, and co workers understand that we are not lazy or sick cause we are hypochondriacs. I think all CCFC's CCFA's are pretty much into the fundraising and other stuff in other countries. Plus you get to meet people and talk to people about your life. There are alot of young people at my chapter and they do help out alot. Let us know how it goes in January. Good luck!
I totally, completely agree about raising awareness. As I said I am a college student and I have almost completely lost what my social life used to be because my friends simply don't understand what I go through. The same goes for my university, I find it incredibly difficult to take exams in a normal setting because of the terrible sounds that my stomach makes, and the need for me to abruptly leave to use the bathroom. There is of course disability services at universities, but I highly doubt that I would qualify for it. Thanks for the info!! :)
Have you checked out the Disability Office of your University? I am a full time College student also and I have paperwork on file with them and also every semester they give me paperwork to hand the professor that tells them I may have to miss the odd class or leave to go to the bathroom because of my disease...check it out - just accomodations that might make it easier to deal with if not physically - emotionally too...I have luckily not had to use my accomodations but it is on file just in case...
They do offer volunteer opportunities and they also offer fund raising. One of the big ones is TeamChallange which is the marathon fund raising.

In two weeks chapters from all over the US will meet in Las Vegas for the Las Vegas Half-Marathon. I will be there with the San Diego Chapter.

This is the first time I have done anything like this and it has been a great experience. I have met many other with Crohns and the support and team feeling has been great. Plus I have always wanted to do a marathon. As a team in San Diego we have raised almost $150,000.
I went to some meetings in Twin Falls and Boise Idaho when I started knowing I had the disease. It was sure a long drive , but helped me alot. After my resection I called the orgaizer and he helped me through it. I will go to the one here in Denver when it happens. There were 30+ at both meetings. Not bad for small towns.
lorberg said:
Does anybody knows about Crohn's support group on Staten Island NY or Brooklyn?

I am not sure of the CCFA site but the CCFC (Canadian site ) has a list of chapters that are active in your area. Check it out.