Change in Meds - added Methotrexate to Remicade

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Sep 16, 2014
Have any of your children taken both Remicade and methotrexate? With his flare and break through 2 day bleeding, his dr. has now RX Methotrexate once a week - pill form in addition to Remicade (upped dose next time). My worry is: he was hospitalized a year ago due to an intolerance to I am worried about side effects....will he ever be able to come off of the Methotrexate now? She is concerned that he will develop antibodies and pairing the meds will possibly prolong the Remicade use...

Do any of you have experience with this?
My son is on both drugs. He had decreased energy, decreased appetite and possibly nausea the day after methotrexate the first few weeks. After the first month, I didn't really notice any side effects. Some doctors believe it can decrease the risk of antibodies to Remicade.
My son was on Remicade and methotrexate. To start out with he was on the oral dose but he was later switched to injection. He had no side effects with the pill or the injection. Some that do have side effects with the pill or have problems with absorption due to inflammation are switched to the injection. The injection causes less side effects supposedly(such a nausea, headaches and fatigue) and since it goes to bloodstream it also bypasses digestion and absportion issues.
My daughter is on both Remicade and MTX. She gets very nauseous the day after her MTX shot and is pretty miserable, but MTX really helps her, so we're trying to stick with it. Most kids tolerate MTX just fine, she has a kind of extreme reaction. If your son gets nauseous, you can ask for a nausea medication - usually Zofran.
My son has just been diagnosed but his dr wants to start off with both these drugs....I'll let you know how it goes. Keep me posted on how your son is doing...good luck!
I am also considering mtx and/or Humira. It is good to read the stories. Let us know how it goes.