Check Engine Light

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 12, 2011
I got the dreaded call from the school nurse yesterday. DS was vomiting and having bad stomach cramps. Ugh! He was doing so well...

I wish kids came with "Check Engine" lights like our cars do. A nice big flashing red "Check Crohn's" light, an orange "I've Been Glutened" light, and a little yellow "Stomach Bug" light because I have no idea what I'm dealing with right now.

I think I've pretty much ruled out gluten. Could the bowl of grapes (skins and all) that he ate Tuesday be the culprit? The tablespoon full of corn? He was just craving corn and couldn't resist. Both are not allowed with his stricture and we've been less restrictive since he'd been feeling so good.

Or, is it just a stomach bug? There were two other kids in the nurse's office with nausea when I picked him up. She said there have been a lot of stomach aches lately. Maybe Lukas is just an overachiever and took it up a notch to vomiting? Maybe he just didn't want to do his English presentation?

The GI nurse suspects it's a stomach bug and we're taking the wait and see approach. Still waiting to hear back on whether the doctor would like to see him... just to check in. While I really like our doctor, I'm not sure I want to go in for a $200 visit just to be told it's a stomach bug.

He is slightly better than yesterday, but a "Check Engine" light would be so nice.
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Oh yes a check engine light would be soooooo nice.:rof:
How about an emergency brake also.:hug: Ya know when their acting up because there tired of being ill. Put the brakes on and tell them to sit still awhile. That would be great also.:rof:

A lot of illness up here also. I hope that is what it is for your kiddo also.:ghug:
Hugs I am so with you on this.
I also wanted color coded hives as well pls random rashes with id tags.
I second that opinion! A check engine light would be soooo nice! I hope it is just a bug and he feels better fast. If I were you I would call his doctor just to let them know what is going on and then watch and see how he does for a few days, if no improvement then go in to see them.
I'm all in for the check lights!!! That would be awesome! I hope he is just dealing with a tummy bug and bounces back quickly!
I'll take two of those please!

If you love sheep read no further!...We have a CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) facility up the road and they primarily work with sheep. I know a few people that work there and they have said that at times they have sheep with a 'window' in the abdomen so they can gain easy access and have a quick look when they need to.
Maybe a couple of those too??? :eek2:

I so hope it is "just a bug" hun that soon passes and Lukas is back to feeling awesome. :hug:

Keep us posted!

Dusty. xxx

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