Fried foods are hard to digest and upset lots of sensitive tummies. If you have tummy problems, imagine what you would want to eat when you have a stomach bug. You wouldn't want to eat a fried takeaway, would you?
Go for steamed vegetables for example (look into the low FODMAP vegetables, google is your friend), have some lean protein or some fat fish (good omega 3 fats, so here fat fish is all right, e.g. salmon is a fat fish) baked in your oven without other fat than a tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil and some boiled or steamed potatoes. Just to give you an example for a pretty simple meal.
I haven't eaten a takeaway in years because I would feel as if I was dying or something, regarding the pain, cramping, nausea and possibly vomiting. Very bad memories to takeaways here though.
So go for smooth, cooked, non-fried foods but don't avoid fat overall, just fried, as I said.
Otherwise there is good literature out there about eating for Crohn's or IBD if you need some input.