Christmas and Crohns

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Feb 22, 2011
Hiii everyone. Hope this isn't too long or anything
Over christmas I seem to have suffered from my symptoms alot more and they seem to have doubled in their extent. I am suffering from a fistula between my bladder and bowl, which also seems to have got worse over christmas (waiting atm for a MRI scan,such a LONG time coming!) Anyway, on christmas day itself I ate loads more then what I normally do, and probably all the wrong sort of things, chocolate, crisps with dip, sausage rolls etc and then had tea, well i obviously ate too much so after a night of feeling really bloated and horrible I spent boxing day vomming. However, when I eat something rich (x-mas pudding, chocolate etc) I seem to have tremendous painful gurgling, and all my symptoms seem to get heightened. I was diagnosed in Feb so this is basically my first xmas. Yesterday I went to a fast food joint and ended up with D today (I don't normally get this..D that is.) The thing is I was doing pretty good up to this point and now christmas/NY etc everything seems to have gone down hill again :(
I was just wondering if anyone else seems to be 'allergic' to christmas? or whether i've just thought 'oh its christmas, i can do whatever'.. when actually i cant..

sounds like you might have just overdone it slightly with the food (although I don't blame you, I love crisps and sausage rolls...especially those mini ones you get!).

If you don't eat all that stuff normally your bowel might be struggling with it all I guess.

Do you have any blood tests coming up just to make sure your inflammation hasn't got worse?

I know what you mean about waiting for tests, NHS can be so slow sometimes!

Hope you feel a bit better soon :) x
Hi, I would say that you have overdone it I'm afraid. It is soo tempting to do and everything looks so yummy at this time of year. A lot of what is on offer at the mo is very rich and I personally have been dealing with indigestion on and off for the last month, try some gaviscon/rennie and see if this helps with some of the gurgling etc. Also eat some blander foods again and see how things go. Obviously if symptoms persist with foods you were fine with before then have this checked out.
A good thing would be a food journal. Mark down times and what you ate and the symptoms which follow and when the symptoms happen
Fried foods, sugar, caffeine, dairy, and too much meat would wreak havoc on my felt like my digestive system had no idea what to do with it and treat these foods like a 'foreign invasion.' Christmas 2010, I had a shotglass worth of eggnog, and spent two days on the toilet.

It's hard when there's so much food around to not be tempted no matter how much you try. And it doesn't take a lot for the body to become rebellious. It sounds like your body is having a fairly 'normal' Crohn's response, gracifier...unfortunately!

Hopefully, your MRI comes soon, and with the last of the Christmas treats/New Year's indulgences, you start feeling better soon!

I find Christmas uncomfortable not only for gastro effects but because I am not a no-wheat-nor-dairy-low-temp diet. My Italian family eats pasta and fried fish, the other eats meats and flour-rich foods.