CLEAN OUT! Is this normal?

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Apr 28, 2012
Yet another question.:biggrin:

Started her clean out yesterday. 7 1/2 tsp of Miralax.
I notice last night her stomach hurt and she didn't seem perky.
Understandable given the fact.

Today she wakes up and has her Miralax and drink.
Has liquid stool this morning.
With in an hour starts to vomit.
She's telling me she's sick and doesn't want to play.

The GI down state only gave us to Monday
to see if the impaction will break up.
They also said because of the color of her stool, pale yellow to slightly green, her impaction might be further up the track, instead of her rectum.

I'm forcing every bit a liquid I can.
The girl was in shock when I showed her the Spirte.:D

Just want to make sure this is normal.:shifty:
You let others respond too but if the stool moving is minimal and she vomits when you are giving her clear liquids, I'd call the doc on call ASAP. Liquid stool can move around a blockage. That's what the vomiting makes me worry about.

Love your heart! Hopefully it's a fluke!

J is right hun. If there is ever a question of blockage/impaction and vomiting comes into the picture then it is a Doc/ER situation. As J has said, there is also a thing called constipation/impaction with overflow where liquid faeces moved around the obstruction.

Does she have pain?

Is her tummy hard and/or bloated?

Thinking of you!
Dusty. xxx
CAll the on call GI downstate NOW-----
WE use miralax daily for Ds and have for two years.
WE have had two scope preps- vomiting in your situation is not normal since she has been on miralax for weeks now you would not expect that side effect.
We have vomiting as part of his crohn's activity but this is different.

Pedialyte is also a good fluid to help-:hug:
My heart goes out to poor Grace (and to you too)! She really deserves to get some relief soon.

There's certainly no harm in a phone call to get their thoughts on the vomiting!
you can certainly call GI and get their advice.

In the meantime, I would not give carbonated beverage. let it get a mostly flat if you are going to use it.

giving a lot of prep mix in a short period provokes nausea and can lead to vomiting. but the vomiting should stop quickly once you stop giving her fluids and give her a break.

If she only vomited once I would back off on amount/frequency and just give her small amount frequently. Like 1 tbsp every 10-15 min.

If she continues to vomit and can't keep clear fluids down then I would go to ER and call doc.

Depending on the severity of the impaction she may need hospitalization for clean out via NG tube but this isn't done often for kids who don't have a dx of something like CD because it's not dangerous for them to do a gradual, persistent clean out at home.

You can get liquid stool flowing around an impaction.
One thing after another just now! I have no idea if the Miralax can cause vomitting, but when Andrew threw up (pre-diagnosis), I always thought it must be because he is blocked up - kinda causing a back up that has to come out somehow. Definately worth phoning and getting some advice. :hug:
Poor babe. Any fever? Take a trip on the ER if your worried. You may want to have her checked for UTI again as this can cause vomiting with or without fever.
Just an update.
My hubby thought since she vomited after getting a lg. dose of Miralax that was probably why.
The good news - no more vomit. :soledance:
From 11-4 she was back to normal, minus her color and bathroom trips.
The night was harder for her. She's drank 9 cups of liquid today.
Yes, I did give her 1 cup of pop but ;)
given the fact that she's now asking me
to read books to her in the bathroom,
I thought she deserved it!!!:heart:

NO hard stool has come out.:(

Now this might sound crazy but....:ytongue:
Does Miralax cause air bubbles in the urine.
A couple hours ago I looked and sure enough they're were air bubbles floating.:ywow:
Not a lot but enough I took notice.

So here's hoping tomorrow we have hard poo-poo!!!:D
Thanks for updating... was watching for it! :)

Hope tonight goes well!!! :ghug:
If she vomits again I would take her to the ER. Is she able to tolerate any solids at all? Also don't overdo the liquids either nine cups is a lot for a little one. Please keep us posted on how she is doing.
Nothing you ingest should cause air bubbles in the urine hun.

The urinary system (kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra) is a closed sterile system. For air to be in the urine it means that the system has been breached.

The first thing that comes to mind, heaven forbid, is a fistula and this may go some way to explaining the new pain you said she has experienced over the past couple of days.

I so hope what you saw was just a passing anomaly! Sending loads of love and well wishes your way! :hug:

Dusty. xxx
Air bubbles can also be foamy urine which means protein in the urine.
They can easily check for this.