Cold drinks ?

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Crohn's Mom

Mar 9, 2011
Does any one experience more pain, or bloating from "cold" drinks as opposed to room temperature or warm drinks ?

Just wondering if this is a "common" Crohns occurrence or not ?

What are some other small, but significant things like this that happen to you ?
I've never had that problem myself. And old joke comes to mind, "doc it hurts when I do this." The doctor says, "well then don't do that." But that's something I'd mention to the GI cause it sounds odd to me and if that were me, I'd definitely give them a call. Never heard anyone else mention it on the forum as far as I'm aware though.

A small and insignificant thing, um... bending over can cause pain but at least that one makes sense to me as you're putting pressure on an inflamed area.
I haven't had a problem with temperature; however, when I am flaring-up sometimes it hurts to even drink water.
I find drinking cold drinks difficult too. I never ask for ice in drinks, and usually carry a bottle of water round with me so it's room temperature. I don't particularly get bloated, but cold drinks fill me up quicker, and I notice more reflux from them. I assumed it is because cold drinks are a shock to your system, your body has to warm it up before it can do anything. Think what it feels like if you splash cold water on your face, that's what a cold drink does to your tummy.
I always drink room temp water, it can cause bloat with cold water for some. The other thing that helps is not to drink whilst eating. Wait til after the meal. Sometimes taking digestive enzymes whilst eating can really eliminate that but it doesnt help everyone.
Drinking cold water or juices or any other drinks gives me a lot of pain.
Have to warm them before taking
Room temp drinks are generally easier on the system and aid digestion. I always ask for "no ice". It don't think cold drinks adversly affect me, I just think room temp is better for everyone's digestion!
"doc it hurts when I do this." The doctor says, "well then don't do that.":lol: this is the response Gab basically gets when she mentions it to her doctors !

I am glad to see tho that it is not just her! She has a tendency to "clam up" and not talk about her little symptoms because she thinks they don't matter; and then when she does mention them she feels stupid because she gets blown off by the doctors.
If the docs would listen, and pay attention, to ALL the symptoms (little or big) it would help so much!

I can't wait to tell her it's not just her...and she's not alone in that either ! :)
I know the feeling. I had various symptoms including a 'lump in my throat' feeling, and excessive burping. Mentioned it a few times to my docs and they just said 'that's wierd'. The lovely folks on here told me it could be reflux, so I got some reflex meds over the counter and hey presto! They worked. At my last checkup, I brought the burping up again to a different consultant, and he nodded to his assistant and said 'reflux disease'. It took 6 months and mentioning it to 4 doctors before they realised it was actually a problem!
I know that I'm denial now. I like cold drinks, but I would probably feel better if I let them sit to room temperature. Bad habit that could be causing me some discomfort.
Does any one experience more pain, or bloating from "cold" drinks as opposed to room temperature or warm drinks ?

Just wondering if this is a "common" Crohns occurrence or not ?

What are some other small, but significant things like this that happen to you ?

The Chinese call Crohns "Cold Bowel" . Meaning we shouldnt drink cold drinks, only warm, hot or room temperature. Hmmmm, they might be right!
I like to stick to room temperature foods. I don't think hot or cold necessarily hurts more, but I can just FEEL it more, if that makes sense. If it's luke warm then the sensation is decreased?
That's what I mean about noticing reflux more. I don't think cold drinks actually do give me more reflux, but you notice an ice cold drink creeping up your throat more than you notice a room temperature one.

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