Does anyone else get cold like symptoms? I have had a sore throat for two weeks, the pharmacist said this may happen. It's not getting any worse, but it's seriously annoying.
Does anyone else get cold like symptoms? I have had a sore throat for two weeks, the pharmacist said this may happen. It's not getting any worse, but it's seriously annoying.
I have had cold like symptoms while Humira. Don't remember having them while on Remicade. Is this the only symptoms you are having? Any low grade fever or night sweats? When I had histoplasmosis it started off like mild flu symptoms then became worse from that point. My point is please be aware you can pick up these fungal infection and some doctors have not idea to test for it
No other cold like symptoms, just a sore throat. No fever; have been having night sweats since before Remicade and they are actually getting better.
I'm also on Entocort, tough tapering since I just started Remicade. Wondering if it isn't a combination of the two producing cold like symptoms.
I have had colds while on Remicade. Sometimes I get little symptoms like that you have mentioned, occasionally, not all the time I. I just started entocort very recently but I've been on Remicade for about 5 years. I don't think that the two of them would be causing that kind of thing.
Hope this helped a little