Colds, Flus, etc. on Remicade?

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Jun 22, 2012
I started Remicade about a month ago and so far, so good. I am normally pretty healthy but my doctors have freaked me out a bit about getting sick while on Remicade. I have 2 kids and am out in germ infested places often (school, grocery shopping, library, kid's play places, etc). I also have kids playing at my house all the time.

I'm wondering, are those of you on Remicade much more careful about germs? Washing hands more, not sharing drinks, going into the school less, etc.? Doctors have suggested everything from hand sanitizer to buying an air sterilizer. I'm just wondering how extreme I need to be.
I think everyone is different. Yes Remicade suppresses your immunity but it doesn't mean you will constantly get sick. I got sick all of the time on 6mp but not on Humira or on Cimzia which I'm now on. It's a little early to tell since I'm fairly new to Cimzia.

I always carry hand sanitizer and do have an air purifier and drink mountain water. I avoid salad bars as much as possible and run the other way when someone coughs or sneezes. I am a bit of a germaphobe anyway but better safe than sorry.
I see that you requested additional support TLars. :) I don't feel that you will need to live in a bubble but making smart decisions such as washing your hands, using hand sanitizer before eating or touching your face (you can get sick by touching your eyes and nose as well as your mouth) and keep your distance from sick individuals as much as possible will help reduce your chances of getting sick more often. Some people have mentioned not getting sick more often while others seem to get sick fairly often so its hard to say if you will or not. I only had 3 infusions of Remicade before I had to switch to something else because it caused a few infections all at once (vaginal infection and an infection in both breasts, never had that problem before). I hope you do well on it and are able to avoid getting sick. :)
TLars, it might just depend on how prone you are to illness in the first place. I'm not a germophobe by any stretch. I did not change anything while on Remicade. Still played with the dogs, was outside all the time, no changes in food prep, still eat a potato chip if I drop it on the floor. No problems. Not even in the winter. I'm not saying go jump in the river over by the sewage plant, but often times you build immunity by suscepting yourself to germs.
I've been on Remicade for about 7 more/less colds etc than previously - in fact, I am probably the healthiest one in my household.....

A lot has to do with personal hygeine - like washing hands, staying away from those who are obviously sick etc....
I have 2 kids too and I haven't noticed that im any sicker than usual. I missed 2 really bad doses and a flu that were in my house. I recently had a cold and I got over it as quick as ever but it could of been side effects of 6mp. im on both remicade and 6mp.
I've been on Remicade and 6MP for 2 1/2 years. I am exposed to tons of germs and nasty stuff all the time since I work in a hospital. I am diligent about hand-washing and using hand sanitizer. I don't think I have gotten sick more frequently since I started my meds, although I have noticed that my infections can last longer. It hasn't been a major problem, but I do think I get sick for longer when I do come down with something. I try to be careful but there's only so much you can do!