Colon resection next week

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May 3, 2012
So after 10 years of what I thought was relatively mild crohns (although the dr says severe ileocolonic crohns?), I finally had to resort to Humira in February. My GI scheduled a follow up colonoscopy after a CT scan showed that the inflammation in my colon had reduced from about 25-30 cm down to 5 cm. She recommended a colon resection after the colonoscopy because there was too much scar tissue where the inflammation had been and she 'wouldn't even be able to get her pinky through.'

A barium enema confirmed a high grade stricture. I have surgery scheduled for next Friday (2 days before Christmas) to removed 8 inches of my colon and reconnect it to the ileum(?).

So... a couple questions. First, my last dosage of humira was about 5 weeks ago and last weeks my cramps returned. They get slightly worse every day and my gut is making more noise than it ever has. Any suggestions on how to get through the next 9 days a little more comfortably?

And what should I expect after? Recovery wise? Surgeon said 4-6 weeks. Nurse said I could probably return to work after 2 if I don't lift over 10 lbs. Some things I've read make it sound like that might be quite ambitious. I'm an accountant, so physical activity is minimal.

And diet afterwards? I've been lucky and never really had to restrict myself. From things I have read, I'm worried that's about to change. I love milk. And other dairy. Breakfast burritos. Subway. Mongolian grill buffet. Are most changes temporary, or should I expect long term changes due to a shortened colon?

This is my first major surgery and I wasn't bothered at first. Wasn't nervous about the actual procedure until I started thinking about the lifestyle changes afterwards. Thanks for any input and advice.
I would stay on a bland diet for now. Later on , I would try a food diary to see what foods aggravate your system. After my resection, I have not been able to eat anything that has skin on it. I always have to remove the skin. Even before the surgery, there have been foods I have had to avoid. I think it was closer to two to three months before I recovered. Everyone is different. Try to do as much walking as possible.
I had a resection with ileostomy due to a stricture (my opening was down to 1/4")on Nov 30th. They fed me french toast and cereal the next morning. I have been eating a normal diet since, although low fiber-no fresh veggies or fruit yet. I am overdosing on cheese & dairy, pastas, pizza, steak, - a lot of things I haven't been able to eat for months but I continue to lose weight in spite of the gravies, sauces, sour cream & butter. Surgically and stoma wise, all is healing well with some adjustments. I had no surgical pain- to the point where I insisted they stop putting pain meds in my IV. Energy levels are low, I am starting to do very light chores, but would never consider going back to work for at least another month. Can I assume you will have a temp ileostomy? I have an issue with outputs being too high, and we are trying to regulate it. I am on high dose codeine, immodium to control that. I hope to stop at least the codeine soon as it wipes me out. I nap a lot, and am forcing myself to take care of me for a change. I have a home nurse call regularly and weekly visits. I hired a housekeeper to do my housework- best $15 per hour I ever spent. You mention your surgery was yesterday, I hope you made out OK. I was a basket case in the couple of days leading up to mine, but it was considered an emergency, I really had no choice. Right now, I consider it the best course for me, no pain and eating again. I hope this message finds you on the road to recovery, and you get home soon!!
I had a resection with ileostomy due to a stricture (my opening was down to 1/4")on Nov 30th. They fed me french toast and cereal the next morning. I have been eating a normal diet since, although low fiber-no fresh veggies or fruit yet. I am overdosing on cheese & dairy, pastas, pizza, steak, - a lot of things I haven't been able to eat for months but I continue to lose weight in spite of the gravies, sauces, sour cream & butter. Surgically and stoma wise, all is healing well with some adjustments. I had no surgical pain- to the point where I insisted they stop putting pain meds in my IV. Energy levels are low, I am starting to do very light chores, but would never consider going back to work for at least another month. Can I assume you will have a temp ileostomy? I have an issue with outputs being too high, and we are trying to regulate it. I am on high dose codeine, immodium to control that. I hope to stop at least the codeine soon as it wipes me out. I nap a lot, and am forcing myself to take care of me for a change. I have a home nurse call regularly and weekly visits. I hired a housekeeper to do my housework- best $15 per hour I ever spent. You mention your surgery was yesterday, I hope you made out OK. I was a basket case in the couple of days leading up to mine, but it was considered an emergency, I really had no choice. Right now, I consider it the best course for me, no pain and eating again. I hope this message finds you on the road to recovery, and you get home soon!!
Have you tried nutrition shakes to help you gain weight?
Not a fan of those types of drinks. I have a hard time getting them down and to stay down. I have regular contact with a dietitian who is helping me sort thru it. Hopefully over the holidays I will put a bit back on.

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