Colonoscopy clear.... now what?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 26, 2014
Hi all, I'm new here but I've been reading for awhile. This seems like a great place to vent ask questions and meet others going through similar things.

Family history- My grandmother has severe Crohn's and last year she was diagnosed with colon cancer. My cousin has also been diagnosed with Crohns. My sister is not diagnosed but she is 27 and feels she has a glutin intolerance.

Personal experience- I'm 31, Ive had constipation and diarrhea off an on during my teen years and early twenties, through college. I always attributed it to nerves or stress and it always resolved itself.

This May I noticed a random sore throat and runny nose, then a few days later I was hit with a severe episode of abdominal pain, low grade fever, diarrhea, incontinence, and nausea. Urgent care said virus. It stopped after 7 days.

Then in July I had the same thing. It was worse than the May episode. Diarrhea 15 times a day, cramping so bad I couldn't stand up straight. Lasted 10 days. Lost 15 pounds.

Went to a GI Dr, my symptoms were gone by the time I got in to see him. He did a colonoscopy and it was clear.

I started having abdominal cramps early this week, not debilitating but more annoying. I feel constipated. What do I do now????

Thanks for reading, I'm just a little bit lost...

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