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May 2, 2014
After months of getting nowhere with the doctors, my GP said today that she is going to order a colonoscopy and an endoscopy for me, after waiting for so long for this, I was happy but suddenly I got absolutely terrified! All I've heard is horror stories from family and friends, can someone put my mind at ease?
Ahh, I'm so glad!

And colonoscopies aren't really that bad. It's mostly the prep beforehand that can be miserable. The prep I used last time was pico-salax (in cranberry flavour) and it actually tasted good and wasn't that difficult to take! I'm not sure if it's available in Ireland or not, but I would hope it is.

Otherwise, during the colonoscopy itself you might want to request propofol/anesthetic to be completely knocked out. Usually people are just given twilight sedation and that's enough for them, but I'm one of the cases where it wasn't, so now I get propofol and don't worry. I went into the room, fell asleep, and woke up in the waiting room and was done!
Thankyou for replying!
God I hope we have the cranberry pico-salax if that's what I'm given!

Some people in my area have said that my local hospital barely gives any sedation at all, and some people haven't got any! I'll completely freak out if that happened me! I'm completely a knock me out for however long you want, kind of person!
Try and get in touch with your doctor and make sure that's a request for your colonoscopy, then! Which means that you would have an anesthesiologist present when you go for it.
They are very safe procedures and millions are happening every year. It's so rare for perforation or any complications. Even if you did wake up, which is unlikely, you likely wouldn't feel anything. Some people even go through procedures like this without anesthesia and don't find it painful at all. I think it's more mental than anything.
I would call ahead and ask if you will be sedated and if not, request it.

I have been pretty heavily sedated for all of mine. they were done by different drs at different practices, but they all used pretty similar meds.

The prep is the worst part. Just plan to spend the day in the bathroom, get some wipes because that will hurt less than toilet paper, and some desitin/diaper rash cream to soothe your bottom it gets irritated.
colonoscopy prep is rotten the procedure is nothing to worry about,endoscopies are bizarre how can you breathe with 3 feet of camera down your throat i,d recommend the spray to numb your throat and its all done in 2 minutes
Having gone through three endo's, and two colonscopy's, I will say they are cake in the grand scheme of things. Don't get worked up over it one bit. I have used the Ducolax and Miralax (mixed with orange gatorade) prep.

I would like to leave you with a few tips to help you along.

1. A few days before your procedure, start slowing your food intake and increase water intake. (obviously the day before you can't eat anyway). Do not eat heavy at your last allowed meal. remember this line... "what goes in, must come out". This should help make your prep slightly easier.

2. When you start drinking your prep, my suggestion would be to finish it asap within reason. I think mine was 8oz every 15min. You may not be able to get it all down before you start running to the bathroom, but I highly suggest you make your best effort to get as much down before you start to go as possible. When you start running, you won't feel like drinking more.

3. I've heard rumors that girls don't fart, but don't be shy about passing wind post procedure.

4. On your right butt cheek, be sure to write your doctor a note. "Be Gentle", etc. You get the gist. I take after my grandfather, and like to harass the nurses. It lightens the mood :)

Last time I was in there the nurse told me her husband played a joke when he went in for knee surgery. They brought him in and drew on his knee. Performed the procedure, and went to recovery. When he awoke the nurse asked how he was doing and he said... "I feel great, but you did the wrong knee". :rof: Obviously it is all in good fun.

This is my first post, so feel honored :tongue: If you have anymore questions, shoot me a msg. I'm an open book.
Oh, I understand your fear very much so. I couldn't sleep for days, I cried and got myself almost sick with worry. I even questioned whether it really needed doing, anything to get out of it. Now, I'm in so much pain I'm kinda begging for it. Turn around or what. I figure any pain felt can't be as bad as what I'm feeling anyway, right? Good luck, hope all goes well for you :)
Here in the UK you get light sedation, I always end up having the maximum they will give but it is nowhere near twilight sedation. But you will get sedation. I have had multiple colonoscopies and endoscopies and they really aren't that bad. You will be fine. I am having a cystoscopy next week and that is freaking me out.
Here in the UK you get light sedation, I always end up having the maximum they will give but it is nowhere near twilight sedation. But you will get sedation. I have had multiple colonoscopies and endoscopies and they really aren't that bad. You will be fine. I am having a cystoscopy next week and that is freaking me out.

Wishing you all the best!