Colonoscopy fun

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Jul 22, 2009
Just got my hospital appointment through for another colonoscopy and endoscopy (not sure of spelling) which was quite pleased about but then was sent the dreaded sachets of Klean prep for the good, old clear out. I know everyone says it is foul but that I should just get on with it but the last time I had to take it I was literally throwing up faster than I could get it down - I gave up after the 1st half pint I was that poorly. The next morning in hospital was soundly told off like I was a ten year old child and made to feel a right pansy. But my problem remains - how am I able to drink 5 litres of Klean prep if I cannot get it to stay in my stomach. Is anyone on this site know of anything else available that I could try - have already emailed hospital asking for advice but nothing yet, I was wondering if I could maybe just take fluids for 48 hours before and then maybe take a load of ex lax - surely this would have the same effect wouldnt it?? Any advice greatly appreciated.
That one is the worst - I could barely get it down without throwing up most of it. GoLytely and HalfLytely are similar - don't accept those either.

I have had 2 other preps which are much tastier than that.
Miralax (like the whole bottle of it) mixed with Gatorade. It doesn't have any taste at all - just the taste of the Gatorade, which isn't all that great - but at least it's not like salty greasy armpit water. It makes the Gatorade thicker, but not too gross. (Maybe pills with that too? Can't remember)
The other prep I had was magnesium citrate or citrate of magnesium. It's a really sour liquid, but it's a small amount - 16 ounces maybe? I had to take that with 4 Dulcolax pills if I remember correctly. That was the easiest prep I have had.

Don't try any of those without asking your doctor of course, it was a while ago - I could be remembering wrong.
i had picolax and it was strawberry flavoured! much better than the sstuff that tastes and smells like cat urine.
Funnily enough :) I haven't had the pleasure of the cat urine one. At least, I don't know what cat urine tastes like, so therefore.....

Had Fleet the first time, and MagCitrate the second. Neither are what one could call great!
It was the effects at the other end that I really didn't like.
Hi. I had two sachets of picolax which did the trick (squirted tonnes of clear water out of my bum for ages at about 100 miles per hour). Nice! Billy Connolly did a sketch on colonoscopy prep. Hilarious! I think it's probably on youtube. I did a choose & book thing, where I had the procedure done as an NHS patient in a private hospital. I know that the NHS prep is usually gallons of that 'Klean Prep' stuff. It seems daft to me because my 2 sachets of picolax worked really effectively. Can you speak to your gastro Dr about it? Good luck.
Basically they just want you to run clear so they can see what is going on.

If you fast longer than normal and just drink clear liquids, you should not have to drink gallons of prep.

I had the two sachets of Picolax (on the NHS), but it didn't really clear me out properly and despite following all the instructions, I got told off anyway and had to go through it all again. I seem to have a bit of a problem with stuff accumulating where all the inflammation is (RLQ area)... but once it starts moving, I really know about it!
Next time I have anything done I'm going to follow Dan's advice, I'm going to cut right down on bulky foods for the best part of a week before. I'll still use the prep, but there shouldn't be as much to shift.
Shantel said:
See if they will allow you to do Fleets Phosphosoda (it is over the counter here in the US 10ounces I think - I do the lemon lime flavor). If they will - buy it ahead of time and put it in the fridge and make it really cold. You MUST drink lots of liquid with it!
I'm almost positive that they have discontinued/recalled this one. I think it was causing kidney failure.

Here's a link.
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Hi, I have used both picolax and fleet, bothworked very well, out of the two I would prefere fleet, I found it not so agressive, Good luck, hope it all goes well. Peggy
if u can't tolerate any of these drinks, u can be for 3 days on just clear fluids and no solids and this should do the job of cleaning the colon but its no fun either
My Butt Hurts said:
I'm almost positive that they have discontinued/recalled this one. I think it was causing kidney failure.

Here's a link.
Yes they have recalled it. I see commercials by personal injury attorneys all the time.
I had a colonoscopy in July. I did the Miralax in clear Gatorade thing as well. Clear liguids for 24 hours. 2 Ducolox laxative tablets. Blahh. Its not great but it could be worse.
My hubby recently had a colonoscopy and he was given a pill prep and clear liquids he said it was not as bad as the golytely. Which is surely a pun b/c you do anything but. So I would ask about this one. I work in a hospital and if the patient can't drink his prep we just insert a Nasogastric tube and push it in the tube. I think this is purely barbaric. But as nurses we just follow orders.
Shantel said:
Dern.....what am I gonna do next time I need to do one then? Thanks for the correction.....
Mirilax with gatorade or magnesium citrate. Really not bad at all. (Both with some pills I believe)
Miralax and Gatorade is the way to go.

It's SO easy. and it doesn't taste bad.

You take 4 dulcolax pills and then you take a whole bottle of Miralax dissolved into two 32 ounce gatorades of your choice (minus red). LOVED it.
I found out recently that if you eat one egg salad sandwich, that contains egg salad that is spoiled and probably has E-Coli in it, that you can clean yourself out in record time.

The problem is that it took me three weeks to clean out the bacteria, and get back to normal.

Never, ever eat questionable egg salad.

Here's the thing that 'they' (dr's) don't take into consideration. These preps are to the most part give to people with normal, hard formed stool. I can see why they would need this, and most do not have much side effect from the prep at all. Take my husband for instance, he drinks the stuff, then about 8-11 p.m. is flushed clean as a whistle, no problem. Sleeps like a baby all night, gets up the next a.m. and gets the test.
Me? It produces cramping like nothing else, excess straining and pushing out nothing. (after the the initial cleansing). I have even taken my pillow and propped it up on the sink and fallen asleep on the pot. The acid burn on the bum is ridiculous and is raw as a skinned tomato on insertion of the tube. It's a miserable 24 hours, that's for sure.
The last two times I had magnesium citrate I had nausea and electolyte imbalance.
Yep, all I can say is, "I'm looking forward to my next one." :pale:
After my prep experience which was a nightmare as you all describe -

drinking that stuff and gagging on every mouthful and dashing to the loo every 10 minutes for HOURS! Meanwhile for a chunk of that i was hooked up to an IV that I had to unplug from the other side of the hospital bed so that I could take the damned thing with me! And yes, oh the sore bumhole

- I suggested to my GI that they should all have to have a go at this to know what it is like.

He wasn't impressed, needles to say.
I know that it is a little late for you PERDITA but just for anyone else reading this, go for the Miralax mixed with Gatorade. All the other kinds that I have tried in the last ten years were awful and I threw up about half of what I took in. It was still hard to get it all down, but I didn't once feel like throwing up and the taste wasn't bad. Also, it was so (comparatively) easy on my system, that I was afraid that it hadn't really worked. Really, one of the best Crohn's breakthroughs that I have dealt with in my life, second only to Remicade. :)

Jer's Girl said:
I know that it is a little late for you PERDITA but just for anyone else reading this, go for the Miralax mixed with Gatorade. All the other kinds that I have tried in the last ten years were awful and I threw up about half of what I took in. It was still hard to get it all down, but I didn't once feel like throwing up and the taste wasn't bad. Also, it was so (comparatively) easy on my system, that I was afraid that it hadn't really worked. Really, one of the best Crohn's breakthroughs that I have dealt with in my life, second only to Remicade. :)

Is this only available in the states - havent heard of it in uk - still havent been given anything else other than fleet by hospital - is getting near to hospital visit - am thinking will just stop eating for 3 days before:depressed:

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