Just got my hospital appointment through for another colonoscopy and endoscopy (not sure of spelling) which was quite pleased about but then was sent the dreaded sachets of Klean prep for the good, old clear out. I know everyone says it is foul but that I should just get on with it but the last time I had to take it I was literally throwing up faster than I could get it down - I gave up after the 1st half pint I was that poorly. The next morning in hospital was soundly told off like I was a ten year old child and made to feel a right pansy. But my problem remains - how am I able to drink 5 litres of Klean prep if I cannot get it to stay in my stomach. Is anyone on this site know of anything else available that I could try - have already emailed hospital asking for advice but nothing yet, I was wondering if I could maybe just take fluids for 48 hours before and then maybe take a load of ex lax - surely this would have the same effect wouldnt it?? Any advice greatly appreciated.