Colonoscopy prep.. better to gulp or sip?

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Apr 28, 2011
colonoscopy prep.. better to gulp or sip?

im throwing it all up again even if i just sip and was wondering how on earth can i get this down??
i put mine in the fridge to chill it, I drank it from a straw and it was sooo bad. I think the next time i have to do it, I am going to just gulp it down. My aunt has Crohns and when she drinks it, she puts a crystal light package in it??? I hav never tried it like that
If your sick try not to gulp it all at once as it'll come straight back up again but don't sip either or you'll go insane I find drinking 3-4 mouthfuls then a break then again and really try hard not to throw it up. I poured a really hot bath the last time and got in and out of it to distract me I also found being on all 4's helped me feel not as bloated and less likely to throw up. The 1st hr is the worst then as it passes through the nausea settles a bit. Hope you get through it, it's defo the worst part and I find i always feel great after the scope & a flatter stomach!!
which one are you unfortunate to be taking? They are all really really difficult :(

im taking moviprep which i read online that it isnt meant to be the worst but :O god help the people who are taking anything worse im starting to drink it a bit better now have about 200ml done and i started at 7pm... 2 hours ago :( was meant to have 2 litres finished by 8... does it matter how slow you drink it? havent started pooping/exploding yet.. although that part is looking alot better that this currently lol
don't worry it took me 6 hours to go after klean prep but only about 10 mins after fleet prep (it's a lot less to drink but a lot more intense) still can't decide which ones better!!! good luck you'll get there in the end, have plenty of soft wipes handy...
The drinking is always the worst bit for me. I really don't care about sitting on the toilet all day as long as I've finished drinking the stuff. I was allowed to eat clear jelly (jello) while I was taking mine so I'd eat a spoonfull of jelly after drinking a glass.

It's hard but stick with it!! You can do it!
My aunt has Crohns and when she drinks it, she puts a crystal light package in it??? I hav never tried it like that

I thought of doing that too as I start my prep on Wednesday (August 3) but right on the bottle it says not to add any flavoring! :ymad:
I took picoprep for my 1st and 2nd, 1st one i sipped was so hard i was crying, after each sip i would drink some lemonade to take the taste away, 2nd time i gulped it wif ginger ale wasnt too bad but put me off ginger ale
Ugh, good luck! I started puking at the end of my first prep (they just made me drink so much with it). I second archie. I "chug" about half a glass worth and then take a break for a bit. I was not able to do that in the allotted time though. I was a couple hours behind. I suppose the faster you drink it the faster it's over...
I had to do moviprep for my first colonoscopy and threw the entire thing back up so i failed the prep. ending up getting a colonoscopy in the hopspital and they gave me golytely which they put on ice and surprisingly it tasted like water. I kept asking them if they were sure they gave me the prep because i didn't want to drink a gallon of liquid and find out it was just water and they assured me it was golytely. I also drank it through a straw. After a while it started tasting nasty and i put crystal light in it. I never made it through moviprep so i can't say for sure but my best bet is to make it cold cold cold and through a straw so it bypasses your tongue. good luck
Last time I had it I took it right from the jug. Chill it, then put crystal lite (lemonade) in it, then gulp away from the container. I found that you get more in your mouth from the wide jug.
I always gulp it, but I keep another full glass of water next to me. I take a big gulp of the prep then take a big gulp of the clean water. Sometimes I will just swish the water around in my mouth and then spit it out to clear out the taste, I find this helps with the nausea. In the end you just have to get through it, and then you can go rest and watch a movie.
I always sip it with gingerale (the ginger helps with the nausea). I also put lots of ice in it and use a straw. I never make it through the entire prep (usually only make it about half way) and it hasn't been a problem...
Try not to grimace. It supposedly makes it worse.

I've never done the drinking preps for c-scopes. Is it the taste that makes you puke? Maybe if you aimed it toward the back of your mouth with the straw more instead of hitting the front of your tongue...Maybe if it missed a lot of your tastebuds it would be easier? I don't know...but I do feel for you.
I've done Moviprep. Tastes HORRIBLE. Like really salty strong lemon Lysol. Here are some tips:

1- Make sure the liquid is REALLY COLD.

2- Get a big thick straw (the kind you can get for smoothies) and take long steady gulps. Position the straw so that it's about halfway up your tongue so that the liquid goes pretty much directly into your throat (you taste it less this way).

3- I usually try to quickly suck down 8 ounces of prep and then immediately follow that with a few sips of apple juice to get rid of the prep taste.

4- This last point may raise some controversy: I know the instructions say that you need to drink ALL of the prep but I spoke to my GI about it and he says that once you are passing clear water you can stop drinking the prep - but continue to drink water in lieu of what you didn't finish of the prep. I finished all but 16 ounces of prep (i.e. I only drank 48 ounces of the 64 ounces).

The first 16 ounces weren't so bad. By the end of ounce 32, I was afraid I would vomit it all up. At ounce 38, I started crying.

A pre-prep tip: Start eating light a few days before your prep. The day before prep day eat only soft and easy to digest foods. On prep day only drink clear liquids. This helps tremendously.
I stick a straw in it, hold my nose, and just drink until it's gone. There's absolutely no point trying to sip it...just do it and get it done. Holding your nose really does help was the only way I got through three bottles of that stuff...
I always seem to get stuck with the horrible big jug of "Golytly." What a joke! It's more like, "Go hard and hurtfully, then puke while you're at it." I have learned to request unflavored mixtures if at all possible. I've had Cherry flavored Golytly, and Lemon/Lime Golytly. Ugh! Blech when I think of those flavors. I'm ruined from those flavors. At least with an unflavored or even medicinal flavored thing, you won't associate drinks or treats with the colonoscopy prep. I always start out drinking it quickly. As I get towards the halfway mark, I'm usually feeling nauseated, so I tend to sip.
Oh you poor thing. Just thinking about this makes me want to vomit. I've done it twice now an due to do it again... ON MY BIRTHDAY ( not cool)
I gulp it down and mix it with other drinks. I also take some listerine afterwards as well.
I also find the stuff makes me feel sick pretty much all day and makes me rather sleepy? anyone else had that reaction?
Just finished the second half of the prep (actually got it down in time this time). Thank you all for all the advice it kept me going haha i love this forum.
Have been to the toilet only 4 times since i started taking it like 13hours ago and im praying it will all hurry up and get out before i leave for the hospital... otherwise that will not be a pretty car journey.. lol

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