Colonoscopy prep day!

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Oh yeah! my favorite day is here! :lol:

Let's see, so far I've had apple juice and gatorade for breakfast this morning. Broth, Kool-Aid, more gatorade, more apple juice, 2 litres of HalfLytly and a bottle of pasturized sparkling saline laxative are on the menu for later today. YUMMY!

Everytime I have to do this, the morning of the prep I wake up with an irrational fear of "accidentally" eating something. Anyone else ever have that?

It kind of sucks because this time I know what to expect and it's making me dread it more. See, for my first colonoscopy I didn't know how bad it would be. Oh well, I guess I'm just more "prepared" this time. I have a big supply of wet wipes and some diper rash cream stuff that will hopefully sooth my raw butt. I guess I'm about to find out how well it helps.

Anyway, wish me luck that I can get all that down without puking! And here's hoping that my Crohn's is in remission!
Bottoms up, in more ways than one.

I know it is a bad joke. Some pretty good ones on the link. I like the "loose change" one.

I had a fear of waking up and everyone is smiling and smoking cigarettes.

Good luck with the bottomless cup. It is everybody's favorite. Hope they find nothing to worry about.

Dan Bergman
Hmm, my fears have nothing to do with eating, or with waking up & everyone smoking.. no, mine involve just one word, and it literally sends a chill down my spine
The nitemares that word evokes, perhaps I shouldn't even share it? What the hey..


Anyway, good luck... up to and including the remission. And have a smoke for me...
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"nothing to hit the fan"....hahah! too funny!

Well, everything went pretty good. No inflamation evident! very good news! however, he did find a stricture where my resection was done a year ago (where the terminal ileum was removed). He said it was not inflamed but that he could not get the 11mm scope through it. He said as long as it's not giving me trouble then don't worry about but just be aware. Sounds good to me!

So, anyone ever woken up in the middle of one before? That was weird. and not fun! they gave me Versed which my Mom, an RN, said is like an amnesia you don't remember waking up. It was like a dream but I know I woke up!

Right now I'm on 75mg of 6mp and he said that the last few blood tests (that I get monthly) are showing that my white blood cell count is very, very low. Although, I haven't been sick once! (thank goodness!) I'm betting that he'll cut me back to 50mg or hopefully take me off completely so my husband and I can start planning a family.
I'm glad all went well.
I don't have a fear of waking up during one...
because I am awake during it and usually watch it..
seems their pain reducing and nite nite drugs don't work too well on me..
I just get good and drunk and talk on and on through it..LOL. :ylol2:
I woke up during mine when the doctor was trying to force the scope past the swelling around the cecum. It was painful, but not as bad as I felt when I came out of surgery from fistula/abscess surgery this year.
mle said:
Everytime I have to do this, the morning of the prep I wake up with an irrational fear of "accidentally" eating something. Anyone else ever have that?

I feel the same way, so I usually write my self a note and put it somewhere I'll be sure to see it! Nobody wants to accidentally eat something after going through all of that awful prep?! :lol:
I hope everything went well. I feel your pain, I am undergoing prep day in like two more days. Colonoscopy #3 for me. Bleh.
are you guys having these done awake? I've never had one without being put asleep.
I remember I once woke up during one and freaked out. I've only had like a dozen done over the past 7 years though.
I will NEVER have one done while awake, though.
I have always been put to sleep, but do remember waking up during and making some bad jokes, that had all laughing in the room.
I woke up cussing like a red neck walking in on his brother doing his sister.
the pressure I suppose was what freaked me out, but i was like 19, that was 5 years ago. but ever since I've been paranoid of waking up during any procedure.
I was OUT OF IT... apparently when I woke from mine I said such things as:

to the nurse: "you're really pretty!"
nurse: "yes but you are heavily medicated right now"
Me again to the nurse: "NO! I tell you TRUE! You are pretty."

Me to my mom: "can I have some rice krispy treats, I just want rice krispy treats"

Me to everyone: "what time is it?"
A minute later: "what time is it?"
A minute later: "how long have I been awake?"
A minute later: "What time is it?

To the nurse: "do I have a disease?"

To the nurse: "I want a coke"... then she gave me one... and I proceeded to throw it up.

Apparently I'm quite a jokester when drugged... HA who figured? :tongue:
haha, sounds exactly like me. my girlfriend says she hates seeing me go thru this stuff, but love laughing at me during my "wake up process" because I yammer on just like that.
***Happy 200th Post KatieSue!***
Yup..that's me too!

They can't give me enough to knock me out! LOL
Last time I kept asking the doctor questions ..really dumb ones
until he turned around and asked me to please stop asking questions
cause he was tying to do his job.

I felt so drunk through the entire procedure but never went right out..
and didn't feel any pain.

Hey katiesue!!
Congrats and heart hugs to you! ;)
May have posted this before... but just in case, as a cautionary note to anyone of the mind that you don't need supervision/assistance post scope anesthetic. My last scope, I don't recall how/when/where or who dressed me... I had a long chat with my doc (absolutely no recollection of that either - hope I was nice N civil), on leaving the hospital, I insisted on going shopping (why, what did I buy, where did I go? I have ZERO recollection of any of that).. As to what I may have said during this period of zombie post scope wandering, I haven't a clue. Just grateful that nice people were there to take care of me, cause I sure wasn't in any condition (mentally) to take care of myself. Think I just saw the future...
I drove myself and my father home after my Colonoscopy. Ninety miles and my wife was not happy with me. My father was suppose to drive, but I felt fine and hate riding in a car.

Probably not the best idea, but I never have had a hangover of any kind when I come out of anesthesia.

I also drove home after my hernia surgery many years ago. I had to sneak out of the hospital. I was not under the influence of anesthesia by that time, but they thought I shouldn't drive. Pressing the non-assisted brakes hurt a little, but the narcotics worked real good.

I could smoke in my hospital room, that is how long ago that was.

Dan Bergman
Well, my previous scope, everything was copacetic. Last one, although apparently I was lucid, I have no recollection of those events. Some of my behaviour wasn't at all rational... (shopping???) Just glad I didn't insist on driving. Or wander off...
Last time I definitely called an ex-girlfriend and also left some messages for my friends on Facebook when I got home. At least I had some textual proof of the damage that I had done. I also tried to drive somewhere but my parents just kept laughing at me saying, "Where do you think you are going, pal?" Haha

My girlfriend is going to drive me to and from my next colonoscopy in a few days. Should be interesting for her to see me in a state like that. It might scare her a little bit.
haha that's hilarious..I remember my most recent colonoscopy in august, waking up and apparently hitting on the nurse with a ton of lame jokes. My mom was there too, so that's special.
I've been awake for each Colonoscopy I've had. Have sedative and pain killers but still hurts like hell. I get the impression they don't normally put you to sleep over here in the UK. Got another one to look forward to next month. :ylol2:
I remember waking up part way through last time I had a scope. I wasn't fully aware of everything, but I definitely felt the scope being forced around. Yuck!

Most embarassing thing for me is waking up from anesthesia with part of my body standing at attention. :eek:
I'm trying to sit up to conceal things, 'cause a Johnny shirt doesn't leave much to the imagination. Then the nurse who's wheeling me around is ordering me to lay back down so I don't fall off... :lol:
mle said:
Oh yeah! my favorite day is here! :lol:

Let's see, so far I've had apple juice and gatorade for breakfast this morning. Broth, Kool-Aid, more gatorade, more apple juice, 2 litres of HalfLytly and a bottle of pasturized sparkling saline laxative are on the menu for later today. YUMMY!

Everytime I have to do this, the morning of the prep I wake up with an irrational fear of "accidentally" eating something. Anyone else ever have that?

It kind of sucks because this time I know what to expect and it's making me dread it more. See, for my first colonoscopy I didn't know how bad it would be. Oh well, I guess I'm just more "prepared" this time. I have a big supply of wet wipes and some diper rash cream stuff that will hopefully sooth my raw butt. I guess I'm about to find out how well it helps.

Anyway, wish me luck that I can get all that down without puking! And here's hoping that my Crohn's is in remission!

good luck...
2 thoughts for you:
1. HalfLytly mixed with ginger ale (DON"T use apple juice !)
2. drink it through a straw *fast*

Best wishes on the remission
Never used the 'half lytely', here it's labeled 'go lytely' (Why? I dunno? There is no part of the outcome that I see as lightly.) The total amount when mixed roughly equals a US gallon 128 fluid ounces (least its' not imp gallon 160 fluid ounces). As for mixing it with ginger ale, ginger ale is the only 'carbonated beverage (pop) the instructions from the hospital recommend, but they state that it shoud be flat. To minimize the gas (think of those well drillers with the endoscope hitting a pocket of gas - thank god for the anesthetic). However, I prefer to keep as close to the 1 gallon minimum of drinking that I have to, AND to keep the flat ginger ale separate, to wash the tastes of the 'go 'lytley' out of my mouth afterwards. As for the straw idea, that sounds like pure genious. It should allow one to get the fluid in and bypass most of the tastebud areas on the tongue. I dont' know what half lytley tastes like, but go lytely tastes like... welll, lets not be too explicit here. Let's just say it won't make a top ten list. I will think about the straw for my next prep... Only possible downside is that I try to get this stuff in me as fast as possible, to minimize the whole experience
A straw may slow me down... and its' the finishing of this drinking ordeal that I find hardest. forcing that last 1/4 gallon into me 8 ounce glass at a time is soo hard. it's like running a gauntlet where they keep moving the finish line ahead
mmm... well I tried the straw... and although you don't taste it as bad, you still feel the nasty greasy salty grossness. I think it would taste like olive oil mixed with sweat. GROSS. Also... a word from someone who's been there... DON'T drink any drinks that you really like. It puts a bad stigma on them afterwards. I couldn't drink soda for close to a year after my scope. AND I suggest taking the pills. I will be doing that next time... if they don't let me... I'm finding another GI... Go-Lytely is THAT BAD. I could only get a third of my gallon down.
what is Go Lytely? well, obviously it's awful liquid junk....but what does it do? You have to drink a whole GALLON? :eek: :eek2: how fast do you have to drink it?

...sounds fun? :clown:
Its a white powder in a 1 gallon plastic jug. You add water, refrigerate overnite, and typically start to drink it the afternoon the day before your 'scope'. Essentially you find a comfortable position on the 'throne', pump it in one end until everything runs crystal clear from the other. I think that covers it without any hyperbole...
oh, i see. so basically they want everything cleared out so they can see what's going on inside, yes? does every doctor give out the same thing before a scope? or do some people get other pleasant things to drink...
Give out? up here in Canada, I have to pay $30 at the local pharmacy for every bottle.. Talk about adding insult to injury. one could buy a nice, modest wine for that. Bottoms up.
my colonoscopy prep day on thurs....cant wait :) got plenty of magazines and the odd book to help pass the time. going to the hospital for the prep day this time and having picolax through a tube in the nose, i just cant stand the stuff! anyone had it done this way before? should be an.....experience!

will write later and let you all know how the fun filled day goes!
Yeah, its pretty bizarre up here. Like, if I need a CT scan, then I pop into the hospital and pick up a bottle of scan contrast liquid for free. But if I need a scope from the very same hospital, I have to go to the drug store and buy the prep. The difference? I dunno. And I never heard of picolax thru the nose. just hope they don't try to do the scope the same way. Ouch! Snot funny
good luck amor :)

i think having the picolax through a ng tube is probably a very wise decision lol i vividly remember crying and spluttering my way through the stuff when had to drink it down, years ago.
yeah picolax has gotta be the most vile thing ive ever tasted! i can only pray having it thru the nose isnt as bad as drinking the stuff and that they make a simple tablet form of it soon!

only 12 hours till the fun begins now.....beginning to get abit nervous :) soon be crimbo tho and can put another colonoscopy behind me!
I am considering trying tablets next time because I puked up my Half-Lytly prep kit a couple years back and it didn't work. The first time they had me drink phospho-soda instead and I can't decide which was worse: 1 gallon of the lytly or like 3 tablespoons throughout the day of the phospho-soda. Even in chicken broth the phospho-soda was ridiculously salty to the point I could barely drink it, but the lytly after starting alright, once I got to the last 1/3 of it I couldn't drink anymore due to flavor and sheer volume going into me. Once I puked, I was done because every sip made me gag.

The worst part of prep for me is my problem with fissures. Having multiple episodes an hour of liquid coming out of your bum running across an open wound hurts like hell. Luckily they put me out for both my colonoscopies because of my problem with fissures and the pain I would experience during a scope.

The good news for all of us is that the tablets are a reality and are hopefully going to gain widespread use very soon!