Colonoscopy Prep

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May 10, 2011
I know that alot of people have trouble taking the liquid preps for colonoscopy's. I have told a few of you about a pill form, however I wasn't sure of the name.
I went to the Dr today and I have to have another one next week and it's Osmoprep that I take. I love the pill form!!!
Just thought I'd share...maybe some of you can try it on your next colonoscopy. :D
Most GI docs don't prescribe it because one sometimes it doesn't clean people out as well (usually due to human error of not drinking enough water) and two its been issued a black box warning by the FDA because there have been cases of acute renal (kidney) failure.

"...the FDA recommends that people use caution with those products if they are in the following risk groups:

People older than 55
People with dehydration, kidney disease, acute colitis, or delayed bowel emptying
People taking certain medicines that affect kidney function, such as diuretics, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and possibly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

The FDA's warning doesn't apply to Golytely, Colyte, Nulytely, Trilyte, and Halflytely, which are polyethylene glycol preparations that can be used for bowel cleansing."

In this case they think kidney failure may also be related to human error of not hydrating yourself properly but I'm not gonna take that chance myself. The preps aren't that bad especially if you mix it with Sprite or Squirt.
I was prescribed Osmoprep for my c-scope. The instructions and paperwork that came with the pills are quite clear as to how much liquid you are supposed to drink when you are taking each set of pills. And I asked the nurse who prepped me for the scope why I got the pills when all I had ever heard about was having to drink gallons of nasty liquids, and he said it was the benefits of being young. I thought I had heard on a forum recently that this stuff had been taken off the market...perhaps not.
Crabby, that's some information that I wasn't aware of. I have been using this since 08' I believe. I have never been able to do the liquids. I've tried mixing with sprite and everything else and can never get it down. I swollow it once and right back up it comes. I can't even tolerate the stuff you drink for CT scans ( I get sick with those too). lol

Mayflower, I didn't know it was suppose to come off the market. I guess it didn't b/c I'm taking it again for my colonoscopy this Thurs. And your right, it does tell you how much water to drink...but I drink water constantly anyway..all-day everyday! lol
The last few preps I've gone through for c-scopes I've done the Miralax method.

In the past I've always dreaded the day before having to drink that nasty, oily/soapy/salty (pick one) liquid mixed into apple juice or something. Could, not, stand it.

I was surprised when they changed to Miralax powder and I was told the first time that they took the other liquids preps off the market due to possible serious side effects.

The Miralax is great because it barely changes the taste of whatever liquid you mix it in.
You still need to choke down a ton of liquid, but at least it doesn't taste bad.
Mayflower, I didn't know it was suppose to come off the market. I guess it didn't b/c I'm taking it again for my colonoscopy this Thurs. And your right, it does tell you how much water to drink...but I drink water constantly anyway..all-day everyday! lol

Well I "heard" that on the internet, so probably it was erroneous information. :eek2: Yea, if you just got an rx for it, clearly that did not happen. I took my pills with glass after glass of white grape juice, and I haven't had a taste for that stuff since. Just drinking so much of it, you know...well, I hope your scope goes well!!

And although the pills were not bad for me, if there is ever a next time for a scope for me, I'll ask for the Miralax prep. Although I know some on here have had issues with dehydration, so who knows? All preps are from the devil.
Oh my! I had two colonosopies in one year and Ive always had the liquid. The first time wasnt bad I choked down about half the gallon before I couldnt stand it anymore but by then I was pretty cleared out and the doctor even said I did a good job. the second time it was an orangy flavored drink which wasnt much better. I was also on some pain killer that made me super dizzy and I felt mys tomache get tense, went to the bathroom, threw up then right after pooped everywhere...that was embarrassing considering I was in the hospital :/ I figured I'd stop drinking it after that. I got about a third down by that point but again since I was only on liquids for 2 days straight I was again pretty cleared out lol *shrug*
The last few preps I've gone through for c-scopes I've done the Miralax method.

In the past I've always dreaded the day before having to drink that nasty, oily/soapy/salty (pick one) liquid mixed into apple juice or something. Could, not, stand it.

I was surprised when they changed to Miralax powder and I was told the first time that they took the other liquids preps off the market due to possible serious side effects.

The Miralax is great because it barely changes the taste of whatever liquid you mix it in.
You still need to choke down a ton of liquid, but at least it doesn't taste bad.

@mkhopper, what is the miralax method? I take miralax every day to soften my hard stools. Miralax is not a laxative it only makes your poop soft, does Miralax make a prescription bowel prep kit?
It's not a true "prep kit". You just purchase the large Miralax bottle, which according to the directions on the package, is enough to last for a few weeks if taken normally.

But instead of following those directions, you mix the entire bottle of powder into a half a gallon of gatorade or some other juice and consume it all within an hour or so.

When you take a lot of it all at once like that, holy crap (pun intended), it really works to clean you out.
I've tried the pill form... and just prefer the liquid way. Oh I usually have a story that relates to everything. My last colonoscopy I turned my script for my bowel prep kit, and went to pick it up. The pharmacist told me that someone or I picked up and paid for my bowel prep kit at 4:30am one morning before my test. I was like it wasn’t me!!! Trust me I wouldn’t to have to do this voluntarily. Who does that??? Steal someone’s prep kit. And why every time when prepping for a “test” do all other foods that you can’t have sound so good???? I think that part is worst… but that’s just me.
@sickntired - wow, that is really crazy. yeah, who would voluntarily do that to themselves? my MIL has this thing with enemas, and I think even that's strange.

and yes, the worst part is all the food you can't have, that gnawing hunger you have ALL day. at least the explosive diarrhea and fire ass takes your mind off the empty feeling in your stomach.

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