Colonoscopy prep

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Sep 16, 2014
Hi son is prepping for his colonoscopy tomorrow. They have him drinkng Gatorade mixed with miralax....he had about 32 Oz of Gatorade so far with 1/2 bottle of miralax. So far, not a single bowel is he going to start pooping?!
dont worry , it will start just make sure he keeps hydrated and have plenty of moist tissues for down below , and again make sure he drinks lots of fluids ,

We have used that prep for DS 4 times.
No issues it does take a awhile to work but once it does things move quickly .
It will start soon, it can take several hours for laxatives to work thoroughly... And then things start coming out rather quickly...

Never heard of doctors recommending to mix a laxative with gatorade. Yes, it probably tastes better this way, but the sugar in 32 Oz still isn't the best thing for someone with Crohn's. I would suggest to drink some clear liquids (water) today as well.
Gatorade is standard procedure for kids .
They need the extra sugar /electrolytes regardless of crohn's.
They are not just smaller adults .
We always use the Gatorade/Miralax combo. Sometimes it works very quickly; other times it takes several hours. We've always had a successful clean-out though.
Thanks everybody.....he's feeling perfectly fine so far. No bowel movements yet, but happily playing xbox. And just waiting. And drinking. He's also had some jello and a Popsicle. Yes, lots of sugar, but for one day in order to get him cleaned out, it'll be ok.
We did some blue (we were just told no purple and red) and were shocked when she had blue diarrhea! Just a heads up :) It also took a while for M to start going to the bathroom.
Hope it all goes smoothly!
We were only told to avoid red and pink. My girl usually sticks with apple juice, lemon frozen ice, and chicken broth for her clear liquids.
Oh boy, it just kicked in. Oh gosh, poor kid. Ya, we were told no red, blue or purple. He's had white Gatorade (which is called cherry, buts it's white) and lemon jello. And one orange Popsicle. He's not hungry for anything really, guess the liquid is keeping him feeling full. Can't wait til this while procedure is over and done with. Thanks for all the responses and support.
I personally find the miralax/Gatorade prep the best! No awful taste and a lot less fluid to consume! I've done this one the past two colonoscopies and found it so much easier than Go-Lytely or whatever! Who can consume 133oz of fluid anyways? So from now I'm hoping I can do the Miralax/Gatorade prep!!!!:dance::dance::dance:
I picked up the prep supplies yesterday- Miralax and Gatorade.....that is what I have had for a pro the last few years-with a couple of dulcolax well, and much better to tolerate! My scope is on the 10th.
My son can't stand drinking that much Gatorade so he always asks me to split the dose - half mixed with water and half mixed with Gatorade. He says he's less nauseous with that combo and goes back and forth between the two until it's gone. Just a thought...
Thanks for all the replies and tips. The Gatorade and miralax worked and it wasn't too bad....he had his scopes done this morning, I just posted a new thread on that....
My son has done the prep with miralax as well because he follows the SCD diet he mixes it with orange juice which will add extra benefit. Sometimes it's take until the end of the day before it started kicking in

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