Colonoscopy question?

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Jan 24, 2013
United Kingdom
Hello :)

I've got my second colonoscopy tomorrow and I've done all the prep but I can't remember when the 'return' (lol) should be yellow/green as it was the last time I had it?? I took the picolax at 9am and at 3pm. I have to go in at 7am tomorrow and I still can't can't see to the bottom of the toilet.

Sorry if there is already a thread about this by the way!

Thanks for your help :tongue:
Hopefully I can get a diagnosis this time!
Hi! I had klean prep first time around (yuck!) And that made my toilet "visits" clear. But second time around i had picolax and the water was very brown and couldn't see the bottom of the toilet either... and I got worried it hadn't worked. But the doctors said the prep was "excellent" and had no issues :)

Good luck!
I had some Picolax for my last colonoscopy - started at noon and finished about 12 hours later, but that was probably because I reaaaaaaaally didn't want to drink it. It was sort of brownish/yellow, not totally clear, but they were able to do the scope and all went well. Hope your colonoscopy nets you some answers! :)
Thanks, it's started becoming clearer now I think.
I don't blame you Emma, just the smell of the Picolax makes me gip and then it starts fizzing whilst you drink it :puke_r:
Honestly the amount and colors of the stool can vary from one prep to the next. As long as you followed directions I think you should be ok.
Colonoscopy and OGD went ok (hate general anaesthetic though). They found inflammation in the same place as last time, rectal and sigmoid inflammation and my stomach was badly inflamed too. They apparently went all through the small bowel as well(didn't know they could do this) by blowing a lot of air into me. The surgeon said he took 19 biopsies :eek2:so I'm bleeding a lot now but they said it should slow down.
So, just got a lot of waiting to do now until the biopsy results comes back but HOPEFULLY I will get some kind of diagnosis in 4 weeks when I see my gastro doctor:tongue:
glad it went ok and i will keep my fingers crossed that you get some answers. hopefully you can then start some sort of treatment to feel better :hug: