Colonoscopy scheduled!

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Apr 30, 2013
:dance: I will finally be having my colonoscopy! Well, not for another month but at least it's scheduled. August 7th is the day. I had to postpone it for a month, since I will be having my craniotomy with brain tumor resection on July 11th! Need some time to heal from that before having the guts checked out. :ycool:
Last week we were in Canada on vacation. I thought I had brought enough food for the week for myself, since I'm so severely restricted, but I don't think I realized just how easy is it is here at home to get what I need to consume enough calories! I lost four pounds in the week we were there :eek2:, and I wasn't even exercising, just mostly sitting in a boat. So now I'm trying harder to maintain or even gain a couple of pounds back.
I did also try gluten again the week before we went to Canada, to see if I could tolerate white bread products at least. The first piece seemed okay, a little discomfort but not too bad. I waited a couple days and tried again, and the day after that was not good! I had the same pain as previously along with bloating. So, gluten is still out. Yesterday we ate at a Denny's on our way back home and the place could not find their allergen menu. So I ordered an omelet with chicken sausage and spinach. Either the eggs had milk added for the omelet, or the chicken sausage had gluten in it, or both..... I was in so much pain yesterday evening I could hardly eat some soup.:( Yeah, so no more ordering without the special menu!
Hi Cindy! Hugs and good luck - for the surgery especially, and for the scope too. Are you feeling better now from your bad Denny's experience? I've only eaten at Denny's once that I can recall, and it wasn't good for me either, so I won't go there again. It sounds promising to me that your scope is less than a month after your surgery - so I take it this means you should be pretty well recovered from the surgery in less than a month? And hopefully this means that before the end of the summer you'll have lots of answers about your brain tumor and whatever's going on in your digestive tract, and can get a lot of relief. Hang in there and best of luck!! Keep us posted on how everything goes!
Thanks Cat! I am feeling better today, except for that I haven't been able to go to the bathroom. I hardly ever get diarrhea, (once last week) and even though the doc put me on meds I still am pretty constipated. I was at least regular up to yesterday but now again can't go. Frustrating!
I'm going to verify with the surgeon next week that it's okay to have the colonscopy a month after the craniotomy and resection. I think it will be but will ask to make sure.

I have also started a caring bridge site - it's, and then look me up under Cindy McDonald. I'm going to have my hubs update it after I have the surgery next week.
I tried looking for your site but it wanted me to register, so I'll do that from home tonight. I'm glad I can get updates on how you're doing - I'm nervous for you and for Bozzy's surgery too! I have both dates marked on my calendar and I'm going to be on pins & needles waiting for updates from you both. Tell your husband thanks in advance for updating and that your online pals appreciate it! :)

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