Colonoscpy report - how bad is it?

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Dec 2, 2010
colonoscpy report - how bad is it?

had a rt side hemicolectomy last year. just got home from followup colonscopy - which reads "inflammation in the ileum. It was edematous, erosive, erythematous and moderately severe." I take it this is not good - what do all these terms mean?
Edematous means swelling due to fluid in the tissue, erosive means the lining has been eroded (worn away/down), and erythmatous means redness due to dilation of capillaries. All terms to describe the type and extent of the inflammation observed. So . . . not great, yeah. Sorry to hear about your results. :(
yeh thats a bummer... probably going to start humira again. or can this heal on its own? a gluten free diet maybe?
Couldn't possibly say, I'm afraid. If you're looking for what to eliminate from your diet, gluten, dairy, sugar, and excessive fibre would probably be a good start. If you can, update when you've talked to your GE - I'd be interested to hear what s/he has to say (going to see mine on the 8th and had a similar report from my endoscopy).

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