Concerned for developing crohn's.

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Jun 20, 2016
Last November I had a severe bout of pain that lasted a month. At the time my former GI said it was ibs and I just could not believe it. People with ibs do not experience bleeding and vomiting and pain in the left side to the extent I did. And then it went away. In April I had a return of pain in same location but it was a different kind of pain. I was referred to a new GI and she tested my blood for crohn's and it came back positive for antibodies. Fortunately my colonoscopy biopsies came back negative for active crohn's. I then had surgery to remove scar tissue in that same exact area on my lower left side. I had an appendectomy two years before and I know the trochar went nearby that area. What could the adhesions around my sigmoid colon have been caused by? Inflammation or surgery? Also I'm scared it was a flare up I had in November and somehow went into remission without medication. With antibodies for an autoimmune disease, how do you cope with the fear of when a flare up could happen? I am in pain again, same exact area and I am passing mucus about twice per hour. I had the colonoscopy and surgery a month ago. I really hope it's not an oncoming flare up because I am on the other side of the state at college for summer school. What should I do about this?
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Find a good gi to go to and tell him/her everything you are going through. Let us know how you are doing,
Im not sure what you mean by antibodies for crohns, are you sure they didnt confirm coeliac disease? In crohns blood will only show heightened inflammatory markers, the CRP.

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