A bit of background I've been on imuran for a little over a month. I was tested before taking it to make sure my body could break it down. I was put on 150mg a day along with still cutting down 5 mg a week of predisone. At the two week make I had a blood test, it said my white blood count was a little high13.5 so GI sent me a letter to see my PCP. My PCP gave me blood test ( 25mg of predisone at the time) and it showed same thing. GI had me take another blood test two week after first ( 105 mg of predisone at the time) one results for white blood cell count were 15.1. I called today and was told predisone can make white cell count high and GI don't want to test again till I'm off predisone.
My questions are:
Does this sound right to not test till after predisone is done? I thought most people stay on predisone till imuran kicks in?
If GI knew predisone causes white cell count to be high why test at all or sent my to my PCP?
Shouldn't my white cell count still be going down if I'm on less predisone than the first test not higher?
Sry so long thanks for the help
A bit of background I've been on imuran for a little over a month. I was tested before taking it to make sure my body could break it down. I was put on 150mg a day along with still cutting down 5 mg a week of predisone. At the two week make I had a blood test, it said my white blood count was a little high13.5 so GI sent me a letter to see my PCP. My PCP gave me blood test ( 25mg of predisone at the time) and it showed same thing. GI had me take another blood test two week after first ( 105 mg of predisone at the time) one results for white blood cell count were 15.1. I called today and was told predisone can make white cell count high and GI don't want to test again till I'm off predisone.
My questions are:
Does this sound right to not test till after predisone is done? I thought most people stay on predisone till imuran kicks in?
If GI knew predisone causes white cell count to be high why test at all or sent my to my PCP?
Shouldn't my white cell count still be going down if I'm on less predisone than the first test not higher?
Sry so long thanks for the help