In 11/10 my husband went to the hospital for a perianal abscess. Prior to that he had been suffering from undiagnosed "IBS" for about 10 years. While in the hospital he contracted "c-diff", a hospital infection similar to staff. In the process of all this, the dr found that he had an acute outbreak of diverticulitis, He went through many rounds of antibiotics, but nothing would kill the infection, so the DR decided to take out a section of his large colon that was infected. The surgery seemed to go fine, but only 3 days later he was back in the hospital with septic shock, the connections had ruptured, He had an emergency ostomy created, with the assumption that it could be reversed. We are a family of 5; we have 3 kids we adopted from foster care 5 years ago when they were 5, 6, and 7 years old. My husband is 37yo, and I am a 40 year old grade school teacher. There have been many complications sense; hernias, scar tissue, fistulas,illiostomy, and an all-but-certain diagnoses of Chrons disease. In November of this year it will have been 2 years we have been trying to cope with this. Our family is beginning to fall apart. My spouse is so angry. He is very selfish and for the past 2 or more years has not participated in our family as a spouse or father on a regular basis. Whenever I try and talk wit him about it, he counts the days since he has had his bag as the only needed explanation of his complete selfishness. Me and the kids are SUFFERING! I know he is too...but I keep getting this feeling that he sees our pain and suffering as completely insignificant compared to his. The reversal was supposed to happen time after time, and then a new delay. I CANNOT live with someone who believes that have a monopoly on pain, and a free ticket to be so selfish. In the past year he has gone from no tattoos to both arms, back, and chest covered. He has pierced his ears, and even branded himself due to the physical and emotional pain caused by this illness. He now goes out 1-3 times a week drinking and dancing and comes home at 2-3 AM. I want the pleasure of going out with him, I have to find care for our kids. I am going into a very intense year of teaching (4th grade), where, in order to keep my jpb, I will need to be able to obtain a higher certification that will be another 1/2 time job on top of the already incredibility demanding work on a state school teacher. My spouses' level of emotional and financial responsibility (he has not worked in over 10 years) in this family will have to not only increase, but exceed what it ever has been before, regardless of whether the bag comes off (hopefully in Oct). Our marriage has been under a lot of stress, and i am confused! He accuses me of not understanding the severity of the situation. He asks me to just wait...."when the reversal is over I will be the best dad and spouse ever!) But what if it never comes off? How many more years of this intense anger, sadness, depression, and lack of support go on? I need help from other spouses and sufferers...Am I expecting too much? Is anyone feeling the same way? I am going crazy here...