Hi all. I have been reading through some of the messages on this board and it seems like a very supportive community. We are in the process of seeing if my son has an IBD. I am so confused by his symptoms and feel like I'm not even sure how we got here. At the end of January he had what I thought was a stomach bug (he didn't vomit, just diarrhea) that wasn't getting too much better after three days and I noticed some pinkish color when I wiped him. His doctor had him come in and ordered blood work and stool tests. Everything came back normal except for his calprotectin level which was quite high. His ped said that she then thought he never had a virus but was in a flare for IBD and referred us to a pediatric GI doctor at our local hospital, but we live relatively close to CHOP and after some quick research I made an appointment with their GI department (they got us in so quickly!). By this time my son was back to normal (he had tons of energy even during his 'illness') and while he lost a little weight from being sick he had gained it all back and then some by the time we saw the GI doctor at CHOP. The doctor asked us to re-do the FC test in a few weeks time and I just took it to the lab this morning. I am so scared for the results even though I know it's better to know so we can begin treatment if necessary. The doctor said he couldn't tell us exactly what was going on because my son did seem to get better on his own, was not anemic and although he's always been on a lower growth curve he's always been very much on his growth curve (no falling off and shortness definitely runs in my family). I have gone down so many internet rabbit holes and haven't been sleeping well at all for the last month.
I am so scared of what this means for him even though he has no pain and seems to be "back to normal." I also know IBD is super tricky and I worry that things will get bad again before our followup appointment in 2 weeks and I live in fear of the FC results coming back. I know this probably makes no sense! I just needed to vent to maybe some people who would understand.
I am so scared of what this means for him even though he has no pain and seems to be "back to normal." I also know IBD is super tricky and I worry that things will get bad again before our followup appointment in 2 weeks and I live in fear of the FC results coming back. I know this probably makes no sense! I just needed to vent to maybe some people who would understand.