Confused and wondering

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Sep 8, 2012
Hi - I've been lurking and reading the forum for about 5 months now and appreciate the insight I have gained. I have a few questions and thought "my story" would be a good place to start. I had a Colonoscopy in April upon Dr. recommendation because of family history (mom has colon cancer at a young age). I originally went to see him for a hemmorhoid..went from that to "we can take care of all of it and you won't feel a thing or even know it" So it would seem, but the whole thing was a nightmare because they used Versed for the procedure and it didn't knock me out properly. I could hear parts of their conversation, and feel things, but couldn't react ..was screaming in my head but no sound came out my mouth..I was totally freaked by the whole thing. I walked around for about 5 days in a hyped up state of wacko...just great for a person who as to run to the loo whenever stressed! Will also add that I could "feel" my guts for about 3 weeks after this procedure, very wierd. Anyway that Dr. found ulcerative areas spaced across my transverse colon and referred me to a Gastro guy in the larger city near where we live. I saw Gastro guy in Mid May, blood work done that day was all fine. He looked at my info and recommended a CT scan of my small bowel. Was lucky enough to get that done the same day. That showed possible thickening of small bowel.. next came upper endoscopy...came back fine. Then did the pill cam that showed a small polyp and small erosion in small bowl - between jejunum and illeum. Recommended possible balloon endoscopy to remove? I Finally got to actually see him again Late July (hadn't had another actual office visit this whole time since May) He put me on Hyomax for the cramping and spasms, but this is the only Med's I have received except for recommendation of Metamucil 2 x daily. I was't real "keen" on the whole balloon thing, because he couln't say for sure if they would be able to reach it and would have to be done from the "bottom" end. At this time he ordered more blood work including the one that takes a while to get back with the genetic markers (can't remember the name at the moment) This came back showing possitive for UC..He expected to be negative. His office called me and was all bent that I needed another colonoscopy asap. I was in no hurry to repeat that procedure again and asked about the whole balloon deal and was told he thought he may be able to reach the poloyp in the small bowel through the colonoscopy. (by the way now insist on Propofol for all procedures requiring anestesia after the Versed nightmare) Had the colonoscopy on Wed and guess what, that nasty little polyp is still hanging out in my small bowel. He took biopsies all along the colon and said it looked good and the ulcerative areas that were there in April were gone. - Which is good. I have always had "gut issues" having to run real quick, going from constipated to diarrhea. 2 x in the last 8 years I sought medical help after 2-3 week diarrhea bouts and was put on antiabiotic or nexium and things eventually straighted out. In the middle of all of the texts etc. I started probiotic on my own and totally changed my eating habbits, and maybe this let my colon heal - also quit all NSAIDS - though I didn't take much before. I Have another appointment in a couple of weeks. He stated after the colonoscopy he didn't know if the balloon procedure would have worked to remove the small bowel polyp either and we would discuss it at appt as far as what to do next. The thing is he is pretty insistent that it needs to be removed...I am hesitent because he doesnt think it is causing any of my gut distress anyway...any adivce anyone? Also anyone have any really great "bum" ointments? sorry TMI but mine get itchy and irritated very easy..especially after constipation or D. The metamucil does help both C and D and I can totally tell if I miss a dose. I don't think I had a solid Poo for about 6 years before I started using it! I use Emuaid on the bum and that seems to help some. Also get wierd itchy eyelid areas which may or may not be related to anything else. For now waiting on biopsy results and next appt.
Wow..being aware but not able to do anything during a colonoscopy sucks!!i have woken up during them and seen the procedure but not really caring so much because it wasn't painful..except one time it woke me up when they took biopsies and I felt the scope pinch when the thing took tissue. The nurse said your gut doesn't have don't feel inside your gut'..I said'really?! That's why I jumped out of sedation because it didn't hurt!'please!
Anyways..I digressed!:) if you have that family history of colon cancer, getting the polyp removed is probably important. They are probably worried about that and need to get it out. Just make sure you ask for propofol and tell them the experience you had with versed. That may also help prevent others from going through that nightmare!
Now on butt creams..I have become an expert on them!!:) the best I have used so far has been called calmoseptine. I learned about it on here!whoa..this stuff rocks!but I have to wear a pad because I use quite a bit and it's pale pink.
Another that's fairly good is one I mix up..get pepto bismol tablets. Crush into a fine powder and mix with Vaseline. Admittedly it's very messy and I usually reserve this one at night and wear an over night sanitary pad(they are longer).
I've also used viscous lidocaine(works okay),balmex(ok not great),lanolin(found in the baby section of drug stores..used as nipple ointment for breast feeding.i KNOW! This is very good too),Shea butter..listen I have tried everything!oh!a and d ointment..meh..not impressed.
Hope that helps!diarrhea uncontrolled point in trying to make a positive out of it because there isn't one!mine has been so bad that I got stuck at my folks house for a week because I couldn't make the 15 minute drive to my apt..I couldn't make a bathroom in time!ive done doesn't work anymore. I tries questran which causes severe constipation.
I'm not sure what the answer is for d..hopefully they will get you on meds that work and it'll slow way down!
Thanks Ckt for the info - had seen the name for bum ointment before but couldn't remember it - No prescription necessary? Also - the D is pretty much under control now for me as long as I take the Metamucil. Still have lots of stools esp. in am and some days throughout the day. Sometimes its a pretty urgent deal if you get my drift, but for the most part I can go about my day, I work full time but my desk is close to the loo! I am guessing you are right about the family history with the polyp removal as well. I will just have to see what they come up with for a removal process now...not looking forward to it or another prep!
I'm so glad your diarrhea is under control!thats pretty awesome!!:)
The calmoseptine is OTC. You may want to ask the pharmacist or call around as I had a hard time finding it. But believe me, it's worth the search and not pricey at all! I'm not sure why my d is so bad right now..but I have two consults with a colorectal surgeon and an IBD specialist that will hopefully answer some questions!good luck and glad you're here!

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