Considering Quitting Humira after first Shot

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Apr 17, 2012
Hi, my name's Lauren and I've had crohns since I was 15. I've always just been on Asacol and the occasional prednisone for treatment. In November of last year, I had a colonoscopy that showed inflammation in the lower bowel. In October of 2010 I had my first baby, and because I was cautious, I did not take my Asacol as prescribed and missed lots of doses.

Moreover, my new doctor, (because before I saw a pediatric GI until age 23), is telling me that for crohns treatment asacol will not work for the long term and I need something else. She suggested the 6asa, imuran , remicade and humira. She told me humira would have less side effects. She said humira would be the best option, because the other drugs require constant blood work, so, I started my first injections of humira last friday. However, after reading the labeling and directions I am very terrified of this drug. I'm considering not taking my next dose this Saturday, and going to this dr. my old GI referred me to years ago, but wouldn't take my insurance, to get a second opinion before I commit to this drug.

I spoke with my dr. yesterday and she informed me that I would need to be on humira for an indefinite amount of time, and that since I had taken the first dose my body had already began forming antibodies for the drug and I basically had to continue with this drug.

I feel like I was really mis-informed on the drug. I thought it would only be used to knock out the inflammation then stopped. I am extremely active I workout 3-4 days a week at the gym, jogging 4 miles, working living an active life. My question is for someone like me who leads a normal, happy life free of pain with normal bowel movements, am I right to have this nagging feeling that humira is a little too much at this time? What would you suggest be my next move in the medication decision.

Bless you anyone, who took the time to listen or offer any advice/support.

Sorry to hear you feel this way. It does not sound as if you Dr has been very helpful and should have taken more time to discuss the pros and cons of the treatment before you started it. It's your body and of course you are free to choose if you continue with this treatment or not. If you choose to stop, the treatment can be re-started at a later date. Humira is probably better in this respect than other anti TNF agents like Remicade.

From my point of view, a lot of us on here have been taking Humira for long periods of time and suffer few if any side effects. Most of the side effects are minor and you learn to deal with them. It is very rare to have a major problem.

What you will find is that most of the heavy duty drugs used to treat Crohn's have a frightening list of potential side effects. I underline the word potential, you will not necessarily have a problem with any of them.

Perhaps you should try talking to your Dr or Specialist Nurse again? Explain your concerns and see if they can calm your fears or suggest an alternative treatment that you are more comfortable with.

I wish you well.


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