Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any advice... I have had Crohn's for 20 years and had occasional constipation - very rarely diarrhoea (spelling?). I had a resection 5 years ago to remove a small piece of gut and as a result since late last year have been having vitamin B12 injections.
The first injection coincided with me becoming badly constipated. Now, several doctors, nurses and pharmacists have said categorically that there can be no connection between the B12 jabs and the constipation - the fact they coincided must indeed be a coincidence.
But, since then I have been constantly constipated. It's hard to go, and when I go it's hard - if you know what I mean. Like parting with marbles, or bricks. A real effort, and often I can't go at all. I tried suppositories (glycerol and bisacodyl) with some success but last December had to go to the Doctor because I could not shi(f)t a thing He prescribed a Micralax enema with some spares in case I needed them again - I have used another one since but generally manage with suppositories, though I have resorted to a good old fashioned enema on one occasion.
I've spoken to doctors and pharmacists (my specialist is a way away as I work away from home) and they say not to take any oral drugs as anything of that type is out for Crohn's, even Senna and the like. I have a reasonable diet - could probably be better but it's pretty good.
I'm at a loss what to do - does anyone else have the same problem or can you suggest anything non-medical which won't upset the tummy? I'm not obstructed - had that in the past and know what it's like. Stuff passes through, but slowly and with extreme difficulty and effort. I feel great apart from this one thing.
Thanks in advance everyone!
The first injection coincided with me becoming badly constipated. Now, several doctors, nurses and pharmacists have said categorically that there can be no connection between the B12 jabs and the constipation - the fact they coincided must indeed be a coincidence.
But, since then I have been constantly constipated. It's hard to go, and when I go it's hard - if you know what I mean. Like parting with marbles, or bricks. A real effort, and often I can't go at all. I tried suppositories (glycerol and bisacodyl) with some success but last December had to go to the Doctor because I could not shi(f)t a thing He prescribed a Micralax enema with some spares in case I needed them again - I have used another one since but generally manage with suppositories, though I have resorted to a good old fashioned enema on one occasion.
I've spoken to doctors and pharmacists (my specialist is a way away as I work away from home) and they say not to take any oral drugs as anything of that type is out for Crohn's, even Senna and the like. I have a reasonable diet - could probably be better but it's pretty good.
I'm at a loss what to do - does anyone else have the same problem or can you suggest anything non-medical which won't upset the tummy? I'm not obstructed - had that in the past and know what it's like. Stuff passes through, but slowly and with extreme difficulty and effort. I feel great apart from this one thing.
Thanks in advance everyone!