So as some of you know I have been having problems since Xmas when I had a flare. Many phone calls to my hospital later, I had a CT scan which showed 3 strictures in my terminal ileum (titchy strictures). A sigmoidoscopy for dilation followed and my GI couldn't seem to find the strictures. Next GI visit I was told that nothing was found and it was probably IBS. I saw the dietician and tried a high fibre, low gluten and low lactose diet. I was great for a week before the pain returned with a vengeance. I am on tramadol and oramorph for the pain. Fast forward a month and I start bloating again and all bowels sounds stop. This shifts with a couple of days of just fluids. End up ringing my IBD nurse as was desperate for something I could take when I was blocked/bloated. I was told not to take senna or anything like it as it would irritate the bowel (told I could take laxido or movicol at a push) because of multiple strictures in my terminal ileum and distal ileum. No more surgery as they worry I could be worse off, so just management of symptoms. Yet, I had been told by the GI that I had no strictures. So back on low fibre. The bloating really doesn't go down although I am having bowel sounds. I am feeling terrible, bad fatigue and sore joints. So I am wondering if this is a flare although everything was fine with bloods and scopes? The pain is constant in my back, lower right hand side and sometimes in my left. No cramps. I am so confused with the conflicting information I have been having and frightened that I am feeling progressively worse. Anyone had similar experiences.