Yeah, they (Doc's) seem to have a bad habit of not telling folks that pain meds cause constipation... I think the real culprit is the codeine... First thing to do is talk to your doctor... don't worry about 'bugging' a busy doctor, it's their job to advise us on the medical matters.. If they don't like it, let them change professions.. (or learn to give us this important info up front in a printout or written instructions).. Home remedies including OTC (over the counter) fixes should be cleared by your doc or pharmacist first before you try them.. If they give you the go ahead, stool softeners, very gentle laxatives, even some liquid forms of fibre can be helpful.. also, watch what you eat, but try to eat a little something. The digestive system needs to keep functioning, but go easy on it during initial recovery period.. no heavy meals, watch the starches, try liquid diets or those low in residue AND fibre.. too much fibre can be a strain on healing or inflamed areas.
My post op regimen consisted of the following simple rule of thumb. Nothing went in till something came out.. and if things were slow in that area, then I drank more fluids and ate only liquid meals. I was also on a strict (actualyl severe) restricted diet.. low fat, low fibre, low residue.. LOADS of fluids (min 64 fluid ounces per day)
A friend (I think) once said to me when I complained of constipation. "you have to keep an open mind" Hmmm, not sure what they meant by that???? Anyway, you just remember.. 'this poo, eeer, I mean 'too', will pass' Keep an open mind, okay?