Constipation or something more?

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Sep 24, 2015
Hello, I have a quick question which Google hasn't really been able to help with!

So, I have suspected IBD and am currently undiagnosed, due to see gastroenterology in February for my initial appointment. Now, normally I have diarrhoea 3-6 times a day with urgency, this has been the case for the last 6-8 months with only the odd "normal" BM. However, this last week I have only had 3 small BM's with less urgency (but still some) and slightly more solid than I'm used to. I've also had a noticeable increase of my pain, still in my usual spots but it's definitely increased and my stomach is more bloated/swollen than normal with obvious harder and very tender spots whigh match where I'm feeling the pain. I also get a burning sensation on and off in these spot . So the thing I'm wondering is whether this sounds like some random constipation (there is a first time for everything, right?) or whether it could be something more that I need to get checked out?

Thanks in advance for any advice, this is all still quite new to me!
Hi Sarhafn. As you have increased pain i think you should see your gp as first stop. It may be something she/he can help you with untill you see your gastro doc .. best wishes n let us know how you go on plz 💕
I think you definitely need to get it checked out. As Mandy said, let us know how it turns out.
Thank you both for replying. This morning I have had much more normal diarrhoea for me although the pain is still higher. I was going to go to the walk in today because I was getting a little worried about obstruction but as things have got moving this morning I think I will give it until tomorrow to see someone. Although I definitely feel rough so taking it very gently today!
Hi and welcome to the forum.Are you taking any O.T.C.meds ? These can sometimes cause C., I agree with the others about getting it checked out,but your symptoms sound very like mine.
It's a good idea to make a list of symptoms prior to G.I. appt.It's easy to get confused when you're newly diagnosed....Hope you feel better soon.
Are you keeping a food diary right now? There are many foods which can change the manner in which your bowels work and it is a good thing to know how they affect you. The diary can really help that out. Record EVERYTHING you eat along with quantities and times.

If the bowels cease moving, get it checked immediately. Don't be afraid to pass gas when needed - I know for me much of the pain and discomfort was due to retained gas and there is some psychology behind retaining it. Try your best to relax and let it out.
Hi Scottsma, I'm taking paracetamol but that's all I can take at the moment, I have a codeine allergy and ibuprofen makes my digestive system so much worse so I'm pretty limited. Otherwise the only other medication I take is omeprazole for my reflux and the pill to keep my endometriosis in check.

Shamrock15 I've not been keeping a food diary if I'm honest, but I might give it a go. I tend to stick to the same foods as I've learnt what makes things worse etc. though. I had been struggling to pass gas as well as anything else, everything basically stopped but this morning things seem to have started back up so I'm hoping it was just a temporary problem that's resolved itself, but I guess I will see how the next few days go.

I'm hesitant to go to the GP yet again as so far they have done nothing to help with my pain, all they do is tell me to wait and see what gastroenterology say and to basically just put up with it. I am getting a little frustrated with it to be honest. If I hadn't had diarrhoea this morning I would have gone and got checked out today as I was starting to get worried about a blockage or something, but I guess it just feels like a waste of time to go to the GP again about the increase in pain. I guess because I'm functioning enough to look after myself for the most part they don't consider the pain bad enough to look into other options to tide me over until I get answers.
I've mostly had urgency and D. when I get C., occasionally it would be a relief you'd think.But I hate it as much as D. and never allow it to go more than 24hrs without trying to clear it.Being relatively new to IBD is a worrying time,but you will get to know signs and symptoms,and also when you need to seek help.
We're always here for advice and support,but we're all unique and what works for one doesn't work for others.
Get used to the idea that you're going to be a nuisance to your GP! They should be prepared to do more than just point you towards an appointment that's at least a month away. If you are diagnosed with IBD you'll be needing a good relationship with your GP.

I'm not sure but it might be possible that you have solid matter backing up and the diarrhoea is just some fluid passing round it. Maybe an enema? Certainly never just ignore pain & hope it goes away.

Good luck.
Get used to the idea that you're going to be a nuisance to your GP! They should be prepared to do more than just point you towards an appointment that's at least a month away. If you are diagnosed with IBD you'll be needing a good relationship with your GP.

I'm not sure but it might be possible that you have solid matter backing up and the diarrhoea is just some fluid passing round it. Maybe an enema? Certainly never just ignore pain & hope it goes away.

Good luck.
Sometimes, I get the feeling I am a nuisance to the GI.
Thankfully things have got moving again of their own accord which is a relief, although I'm still not certain whether it has been a one off or whether it's just things settling down somewhat. Although the pain increased as the bowel movements decreased so I'm not sure really.

However, I've not bothered to she the GP as yesterday I got some great news. The lovely GP I saw before Christmas has managed to get me an earlier appointment, so now I'm being seen on Tuesday rather than mid February! I honestly am so relieved. Although I have to admit that the nerves are starting to set in a bit now, as well as the "what if's", so I'm preparing my notes all ready to make sure I don't forget anything.
Just a quick update, had my colonoscopy this morning and results state granular inflammation in terminal ileum with ileitis as the result. Biopsies taken from TI and a few points in colon too. I go back in a few weeks for my biopsy results etc. I'm not too sure what all that means yet but I'm glad the colonoscopy is over!
Just a quick update, had my colonoscopy this morning and results state granular inflammation in terminal ileum with ileitis as the result. Biopsies taken from TI and a few points in colon too. I go back in a few weeks for my biopsy results etc. I'm not too sure what all that means yet but I'm glad the colonoscopy is over!
Glad for you and I hope the best for you.
Thank you. To be honest I'm not too sure what it all means yet, I'm waiting for my follow up and biopsy results, but hopefully it is the start of answers for me! Even better if it means treatment :)
Hi it's a confusing time right now but it will become clearer with time. Yes this is a start to getting well. Hope it can be sooner than later. I wish you all the best n take care hun ☺💕
Hi it's a confusing time right now but it will become clearer with time. Yes this is a start to getting well. Hope it can be sooner than later. I wish you all the best n take care hun ☺💕

Thank you Mandy.
From what I have read so far it would seem the most common cause is Crohn's, is that right? I know there are other things that can cause it and I need to wait for biopsy results etc but I think I may be getting closer to an answer and feeling better!
No worries hun you are welcome.. it sounds as if it could be crohns. The thing is tho it could be a few other things as well. Once you get biopsy result n see what they say, then you can start on meds and hopefully feel much better. Keep us updated on how you are n ask anything you want to about. Hugs 💕
Aside from the random constipation my symptoms so far have all been pretty typical Crohn's and my GP was very surprised when blood tests and FC all came back normal. Hopefully it won't be long until I get my follow up appointment and can get more pieces of the puzzle sorted. The consultant did mention the possibility of a CT scan depending on colonoscopy results too
Hi this disease is like a million piece jigsaw, so many pieces to fit together before the picture is complete. Hang in there hun. Things are going in the right direction now.. ☺💖

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