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Oct 1, 2008
This really isnt a vent thread...moreso a which way to go thread. I've been posed with some possibilities. Long story short, they are continuing methotrexate = be miserable for another 2 months until my doc scopes...start a research med = possible relief or possible reaction...and temporary ostomy. If anyone has done either the research meds or and ostomy (temp or permanent), please let me hear your experiences, and I'll do some soul searching in the mean time...

Thanks guys!!

:poo: = What i'm like before i goto the ER

:tongue: = how I usually feel a day or two after of giving my bowels a good rest.
I don't have an ostomy, so I can't help you there. I actively looked for studies before I had surgery, but there were none at the time close enough, nor was I desperate enough to travel 500 miles.....How miserable are you? Can you take it for much longer? If you wait too long for surgery, how much more difficult of a recovery will you be facing? You look pretty young in your avatar, so I would think you could exhaust every option before surgery...I wish you the best of luck no matter what your decision is. I hope you get some relief soon.
Thanks for the answers guys :D

I just got out the hospital today, and may take the weekend to rest up. I love you guys!!!
I had a temp colostomy from December 08-June 09. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You change the Ostomy pouch (or at least I did) once a week. Some of the time I actually didn't notice it, buuuut I remembered after the random BM's. It wasn't the best six months but in the end it was definitely worth it. GOOD LUCK!!
I am on cimzia..Questions!!

So i was diagnosed in July of this year...and for months was only on predisone..issue with my insurance...finally was put on imuran and lialida..which still hasnt kicked in fully...takes like 8 weeks..around halloween got really bad hospitalized for a week, gall bladder taken out no good!...finally got samples from Cimzia...for a year ( i hope) insurance wont cover it. I just took my last started shot on tuesday ( did 2 shots, 3 times every 2 weeks) now I wait and do it every 4 weeks. How long does this take to start to make me feel better..I was ok for a little bit and the last week been bad again...cant eat, if try in pain, naseasu all the time stomach always hurting, I always feel like i have to go to the bathroom but lately nothing comes out or i sit there forever pushing..then that makes me in more pain and still not alot comes scaried there is a blockage or something. but in this process also dropping my predisone dose so wondering if that is making me feel worse too....just want to know anything about cimzia i know its a new drug so advice or thoughts would be great..thanks. any other help with food or anything would help too..still pretty lost with everything. thanks:depressed: :depressed:
Hi crohns07209....
I can't help you with the cimizia question, but you may need to start a new thread in the treatment section. You are bound to get some good answers there. Good luck.

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