Convincing your doctor

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Mar 23, 2007
I have an appointment coming up next month and I wanted to see if I could convince my G.I. to allow me to try LDN. I started taking Imuran 7 years ago when I was 18. I tried all sorts of treatments in conjunction to the imuran but nothing really worked. I had surgery in '07 and after a long recovery I was finally well enough to get on with things again. I stopped taking imuran earlier this year because I really don't want to have to worry about a drug that may cause me liver problems. I had been on it for a long time without any negative side effects, but it was always a worry in the back of my mind. My health is still pretty decent and I think the symptoms aren't from active Crohn's but from what Crohn's and surgery have done to my system over the years. I would like to try something that doesn't have a lot of side effects to help me stay in remission as long as possible.

So yeah, all that to say I'm looking for advice on how to broach the topic with my G.I. next time I see him. I have only seen this G.I. a couple of times, but he seems to keep current with new treatments, so hopefully he would be open to this.
Good luck with that Wiles! I gave my GI a pile of information on it and when I last saw him he insisted it was all unproven, only tiny studies, and he would not even consider it as an option. I was disappointed because I really thought it would be a good choice for me. Because where i live is small, I don;t really have a choice of GI either, so I'm stuck for now.
I guess all you can do is ask?
If he does not agree, go around him. There is no reason you cannot see another doctor receptive to the idea.

I called my gastro's nurse and asked if he would be willing to prescribe it. He was not, so I told the nurse that since treatment was simply a matter of opinion between different doctors, I would find a doctor with a different opinion. I was not rude about it, but my point was solid, and I have the right to decide on what I take, and won't take. I think it is kind of backwards for the doctor to decide what I will take. It is not like he can guarantee results.

Go around obstacles, if you cannot get through them. We are all adults, and if you have done the research, you certainly have the ability to make up your own mind. You have to deal with the consequences of the treatment, good or bad.

Just my opinion.

Wiles print out as much info as you can find on LDN. I'm sure Dan can direct you to some good studies that have taken place...Go to your doctor armed with this research. My doctor had never heard of this research etc..He is a great doctor and there is no way I am going to stop seeing him. I think he would be willing to prescribe it for me if I brought him convincing evidence. So, give it a try. Do you have a good relationship with your GI?
I have an open minded Gi and he was just going to write the script, but it was me who was still in too much pain. Still something to ponder if I need to. Good luck!
Of course, do not stop. There are other doctors, PA, NP who would listen to you. If the drug is FDA approved and you going to take a decimal dose then logic is on your site. There is no liability for a doctor. You can sign a disclaimer as well. LDN is a way to go.
D Bergy said:
If he does not agree, go around him. There is no reason you cannot see another doctor receptive to the idea.

Go around obstacles, if you cannot get through them. We are all adults, and if you have done the research, you certainly have the ability to make up your own mind. You have to deal with the consequences of the treatment, good or bad.

Just my opinion.


I have to agree with Dan. We approached Keith's GI doc with LDN info, and I emailed him lots of links, which he agreed to look over, then dismissed. I lucked into a doctor that did prescribe the LDN and I'm thrilled. If you've done the research and this is the direction you want to go with your body, then find a way. If you'd like me to send you a copy of the email I put together just PM me.

You can do eeet! :ycool:
Thanks for all the advice.

I had my appointment today. I'm no good at doctor stuff, I'm about as assertive as a sack of dirt. He said he wasn't familiar with it, and that's as far as the discussion went.

I don't blame him though, I didn't plead my case very well. He didn't appear to be too pleased that I quit the immuran, but he was respectful of my decision anyway.
My doctor never heard of LDN either. I mailed him the info from the Penn. site. I figure he would appreciate more info....My visit is coming up on the 19th. I'm going to ask him if he got it and what he thought of it. I know he keeps current with other studies because he refers to them when we discuss different options. I say mail him some info to the office, maybe he will do further research???
Couple of ideas... print out the report from the American Journal of Gastrology and take it with you. And, you have to get in your corner, be on your side, fight for your life... be your own advocate. first off, you need to show him that you are not a quack, that this isn't some hair brained scheme, that you have looked at the other options... AND that what entices you about this potential treatment is that it doesn't come with a list of side effects or interactions that are possibly worse than your disease. IF you can get him to consider what the risks of any conventional treatment are (and he should already know those) VS a drug that's been around for decades, is well documented, and that is taken in sooooo low a dosage... and then try to convince him to just put you on a trial basis... 3, hopefully 4 months... in total confidence, just between you and he, even perhaps offering him a written 'out'... i.e. against my doctors advice I have decided to trial 3 months of off label prescription therapy...

If that doesn't sway him... the choice is.. go with what he recommends, or go find another doctor. It doesn't HAVE to be a GI. Or else move to Nova Scotia.
Do you know where you can find the article you spoke of? I saw the abstract in a few places but they all wanted me to pay like 30-40 bucks for the article in question.

Kev said:
If that doesn't sway him... the choice is.. go with what he recommends, or go find another doctor. It doesn't HAVE to be a GI. Or else move to Nova Scotia.

I like the last option best. haha. I miss the Maritimes! It's just such a warmer atmosphere there, the people are very friendly.
Also, I think Shaz had some info on LDN reports that she was willing to share, maybe she'll check in or give her a pm.
Good luck.
The only way to see the entire article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology is to subscribe... I used to have the link, but it has since expired, because it was from 2007, and they've archived it. Search their forum, and print out the abstract.

If your GI is worth their salt, and North American based, then 'he/she' will likely already be a subscriber... my GI was, and she was able to see the whole thing and the full original study.

The biggest part of getting a doc to prescribe this is being willing to fight for it.
If you become such a pain in the ass over this then the dr has 2 choices... drop you as a patient OR bend a little and trial you on it. That is a real risk of trying LDN... it may cost you your current GI. Sad that it works that way, it shouldn't be that way, BUT some docs are simply cowards who practice CYA 1st above all else.
I took the LDN info to my doctor and he ignored it until I went through his regimen (Humira & Cimzia) before finally looking it over. I used the links in the earlier post plus posts from Kev, Dan and others. He finally prescribed LDN. That was last June and after it started working I have been doing very good. Good luck with getting a doctor who will listen.

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